** Apple Media Event - March 7th **

42.5Wh battery and still only 652g?


Forget the high resolution display... that's the most impressive upgrade.

If you've ever seen the inside of an iPad it's pretty much all battery.

I'm glad that it's thicker and heavier with a better battery, in fact many laptop batteries are around ~40Wh so it's impressive that they many managed to fit that much in a tablet

Eurgghh - Daily fail!
Daily mail advertising the iPad like the purple shirt brigade would...

It has better 3D Graphics (correct).. which makes it 3D right?

*insert appropriate face palm / troll face here*
Still Text and default number issues and it still causes my VM router Netgear DGN1000 to fall over :(

Weighting my options to sell up from iOS and move to Android, I dont see why I should have to shell out for a new Router :(
Slowly giving up any hope of pre-ordering tonight. I'll give it until midnight then I need to get some sleep!

Poor show on Apple's part..they have the US store up, running and taking orders so why can't they manage it for the UK?!
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