
Went to the club last night and forgot that I had agreed to help at a Have a go Session so didnt get to shoot all night. Gutted.

Hopefully it wont rain tonight and can get started on my FITA 70 training. and Breaking in a SOMA saker 2 that somebody gave me for free :) :)
New tab went ok, Still needs some more breaking in.

Shot my first ever FITA 70 and got a base score. Some of my ends where crap. Blame the new tab and being tired but overall wasnt to bad.


One great end:
Well done, I'm impressed with your ability. The furthest I've shot is 60m and only planted a few golds but you get them on every end. I really have a long way to go

It will take a few shoots to get used to new equipment, it's like starting again
its all about practice and concentration. If you give it enough time you will improve.

Even when I cant shoot I am doing endurance/strength training with my bow at home. Checking that I am getting my anchor to the same place everytime. But seriously I still have a long way to go to.

Also if you can get somebody to film you on your phone for 1 end and try and shoot like you would normally. Most of the time I can spot straight away what Im doing wrong or can do better. EG elbow too low. something not aligned right, Release is dead ETC ETC.
nicely done for a first FITA 70.
doing more work on 70m. Getting things sorted.
just picked up my bow from aardvark this morning after a restring.
Hopefully be nice in the morning & I can get to try it out.
My sight failed on Friday night as we were on the field practising :( It was a Avalon Tec One which I bought when I got my kit in December.

I picked up a new sight yesterday Soma Fivics FV-200 carbon. Really wasn't looking to spend any money on a sight until I got my 2nd Class as you know for beginners not all technology will improve your scores.

I've tried to transfer my sight marks across but I won't know if until I shoot them. Downside is its a full FITA today so I'm expecting some frustration.

Good luck to everyone shooting today
Got 718, first time I ever shot that round so it's a PB. :)

It was quite windy and a couple of showers which kept us on our toes, didn't realise how tiring it was going to be, back and shoulders felt stiff this morning.

Did you shoot yesterday ?
Nice score :-)
its clubs monthly handicap on Thursday, 4doz at 60yds & 2doz at 50yds. Hoping it stays nice.

got out yesterday, day started with downpour but brightened up. In fact got far to warm by time I stopped. Having to do a load of adjusting after getting bow re-strung. Nice now that my peep sight lines up properly.
Just spent this evening looking for new arrows. Have to make sure they'll be right for if I drop the draw weight to 35lb or up it to 45lb. Much fun & games but Easton Litespeed fit the bill with a 500 spine.
Got 718, first time I ever shot that round so it's a PB. :)

It was quite windy and a couple of showers which kept us on our toes, didn't realise how tiring it was going to be, back and shoulders felt stiff this morning.

Did you shoot yesterday ?

Nah I didnt shoot. I need to get out of my head. Im thinking too much about the shot. Got another albion this weekend at Doncaster so will post my scores.

Nice score btw.
Thanks guys, definitely achieved my 3rd Class hopefully there's enough time to get my 2nd before the end of the season.

Good luck with your Albion Robert, dang I know what you mean about your head - it can be difficult to shake once your mind starts over thinking. We're supposed to be empty headed when we're on the line, easier said than done.

Shoei - you're a compounder iirc ? Not sure you'll find arrows to fit a change of 10lbs that could be 2 groups in the Easton chart but I've never looked at compound arrows. Lets hope you're on top of it otherwise they can be expensive mistakes.
Shoei - you're a compounder iirc ? Not sure you'll find arrows to fit a change of 10lbs that could be 2 groups in the Easton chart but I've never looked at compound arrows. Lets hope you're on top of it otherwise they can be expensive mistakes.

Thats whats being doing my head in, finding a shaft with a spine that'll handle 10lb adjustment in draw weight.
Easton LightSpeed in 500 spine seems to cover the 35-45lb range according to their charts & shaft selector app. Above 45lb & its a 400 spine.
My FMJ's are just too heavy for 70m.
The XX75's are now too weak to shoot, they porpoise brilliantly out to 70m, funny to watch :p
Im thinking of investing in some ACEs. Currently cant get a sight mark on 100yds.

Shoei, why are you changing your bow weight so drastically. Wouldn't you just stick with 40lbs and get perfect arrows for that weight?
Im thinking of investing in some ACEs. Currently cant get a sight mark on 100yds.

Shoei, why are you changing your bow weight so drastically. Wouldn't you just stick with 40lbs and get perfect arrows for that weight?

As i get more used to drawing the bow, im slowly upping the draw weight. More draw weight = higher FPS = more accurate at distance/less effected by wind.
When ive been shooting indoors, ive dropped the poundage so as not to burn my arrows into the straw bosses(still punch a hole through a steel roller shutter though ;) )
Thats the joys of the compound bow, you can adjust things so quickly. Still not 100% happy with my anchor position so may drop draw length another inch.
re arrows, the lightspeed's cover that 10lb range, so an ideal arrow. Will get 3 to try.
Nice evenings archery, weather held off :-)
Just shooting at 50yds tonight while getting more used to the change in muscles used with the release.
One drawback I've found, not many apps for the windows phone regards scoring. Iphone was great. Found one that's ok, you keep putting in scores in, gives you arrow count, average score, no. of 9's & 10's.
84 arrows, 670 points, 11 10's & 26 9's.
Glad you had a good night mate.

Mine on the other hand was utter crap. Ive lost something in my technique since last saturday and cant seem to find it.

Hopefully the clubs lvl 2 coach can help me see whats going wrong on saturday. :(
Glad you had a good night mate.

Mine on the other hand was utter crap. Ive lost something in my technique since last saturday and cant seem to find it.

Hopefully the clubs lvl 2 coach can help me see whats going wrong on saturday. :(

That's a bugger :(
I was down on Tuesday shooting & one of the coaches spotted a problem with how I was using the release, a quick 2 minutes put me right & my muscles in my back now ache.
sure your coach will fix you.
Went on an English Longbow making course last week. Mate bought it me as a Birthday present and he got himself one as well. Brilliant 2 days making our own Longbows with Lee Ankers from Heritage Longbows.

First time I've ever done anything like this and it went realy well.

Few pictures taken of us shooting in his large back garden once we got them home.

"Centre 2 are from the course, outer 2 are our older Longbows"


"We were shooting at a 2D mountain lion target, Bows shoot so smooth"


Real nice bows, laminated but made to draw Full Compass traditional style.
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