Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

They need to fix your character needing to eat/drink whilst your logged off in your house. What if you don't play for a few days? I came back to an empty character, unless it a bug where people can still get in your locked house and steal from you without damaging the house?
Well, I caved in and bought it and I really like it! Graphics are a bit ropey in places (probably due to having to lower setting to get it to run OK) but it's mechanically sound and has some nice features (survival game virgin here) and I've not had any crashes or major bugs or anything.

Looking forward to putting some proper time into it.
They need to fix your character needing to eat/drink whilst your logged off in your house. What if you don't play for a few days? I came back to an empty character, unless it a bug where people can still get in your locked house and steal from you without damaging the house?

known bug. That whole system needs looking at TBH.
I've been watching some Twitch streams for this, and it looks really interesting. I will hopefully be giving it a go in the future, but I'm just too busy ATM to put the kind of time in that this would require.
Played the game for the first time last night, and straight away as soon as I logged in, got attacked by a giant eagle :(


My first log in everything was black and green and foggy, as I was being attacked by a Dilo. I recovered and punched it to death and then in a fit of pique, found a Mummy and Daddy dodo and punched them to death too. Then I felt really bad :(
This game is turning me into a monster. I'm nice in RL but on this, well, after my dodo family massacre I saw the unconscious body of a player laying on the edge on the jungle, so I inspect her and she has a full inventory. I pinched her spear (I couldn't bring myself to take the special saddle skin or hat) and then started prodding her with her own weapon. Then I dragged her body into the water and let her float away, secretly hoping that a Megalodon was going to scarf her up.

I'm a bad man :(
lol :D

In the 20hrs ive done, i think ive seen about 4-5ppl, and they've all passed by rather quickly. Its been strangely quiet, although im grateful theres been no PvP as im not into it.

I do wish that you got sadldles sooner on the skill tree, im around lv25, and i think we have 3 available, and afaik we havent even seen a raptor yet.
Found a Piranha last night too, had no idea they existed. Ugly things they are too!

Really been impressed with the game though, even with the performance issues, its still very playable at 20-30fps.
Been having a great time in this game!

On our way to evict some little flutes who accused us of raiding there base so we found there base and decided to actually evict them.
We went over with 3 trikes and 4 raptors.

We killed all 7 of them and killed them every time they came back after that! Salt the earth and all that, we didnt leave a single foundation standing!

The squad -

Oversized images and one contained a swearing.

So much funsss
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I just got double jumped by a bloomin' giant scorpion. After finishing with me, he must have fancied himself as he attacked a Rex that was already attacking two of them giant armoured turtle things. Two more turtles joined in to help their mates and then two giant eagles fancied a go and started. I sat back, ready to reap the hide and meat bounty that was left except I accidentally hit one of the surviving turtles while I was harvesting the bodies and he skull crunched me. FML :(
lol, this game is harsh :D
Havent seen anything the scale of that though scritchy! Havent seen any eagles yet, i dont know whether to be disappointed or very very thankful, from what ive heard about them.

ANT - What area of the map are you in, im wondering whether the raptors are more common in other regions, or if i need to go further inland (ive gone about 1/3rd in land, and about the same along the middle of the south coast).
I really want a couple of raptors, seeing as they're quick and i can saddle them, which is more than i can say for 90% of the animals around me.
edit: might also be better having those images as links, not just for the size, but some of the more 'selective' words used in the animals names etc. I gather embedded YT vids get pulled if theres NSFW content in them.
20hrs waiting for a raptor, i get back in game, spot what i think is a raptor, get there and its dead on the floor, it had items in the inventory which i grabbed, and then just as i do that, CHOMP. Im T-Rex dinner.
Body gone, pet dino i spent ages taming last night - gone. handful of raptors have suddenly appeared in the area now, too.
I can see how the game isn't for some people but so far, I've had nothing but fun with it. It stutters a bit (chunk lines?) and the rain drags the fps down and I've had two crashes but other than that it's been great.

A couple of guys I know are playing and just got into some tribes compound (PvE server). The tribe hadn't locked anything so they started going through all their boxes to see if there was anything to loot. The tribe caught wind of this and so they locked them in the building and put walls over the windows, so the two guys I know ended up using the 3k stored fibres to make loads and loads of trousers which they threw all over the floor and defecated on. Bit of a harsh lesson to learn for not locking things up!
I can see how the game isn't for some people but so far, I've had nothing but fun with it. It stutters a bit (chunk lines?) and the rain drags the fps down and I've had two crashes but other than that it's been great.

A couple of guys I know are playing and just got into some tribes compound (PvE server). The tribe hadn't locked anything so they started going through all their boxes to see if there was anything to loot. The tribe caught wind of this and so they locked them in the building and put walls over the windows, so the two guys I know ended up using the 3k stored fibres to make loads and loads of trousers which they threw all over the floor and defecated on. Bit of a harsh lesson to learn for not locking things up!

You answered your own question-thing.

Playing with people is a whole different expereince as going it alone and alone is boring AF and gets tedious very fast.

Playing with people and enjoying the game as a group is the way to go.

Also drooped items only last 90 seconds? so that was pointless lol :D:p

Is there any Lore on this game yet? Seems like it could be fairly interesting especially if they add quests or something.

From the looks of it the ARK is going to be whatever map you're on for time being it's the island. So who put them there? Who imbedded the specimen things in the wrist? Why dinosaurs?

They could really go all out with this game, from dinosaurs to zombies it could all be possible just with a map change seems fairly interesting.
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