Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

Haha, I've spent the last few days watching Tangent play it on stream while doing some trade runs in Archeage and it has so much potential. There are some fairly large issues at the moment though, tamed dinosaurs will get stuck on EVERYTHING while following the player. The flying dinosaurs are practically useless too apparently.

Defiantly keeping an eye on it but it's not going to be getting my money for a while I think.

I'll be keeping an eye on it too but with the way things are going with these Early Access games is that by the time it reaches Full Release (if ever) most of the playerbase has moved on to ANOTHER Early Access game. I've seen this happen with Rust, DayZ, H1Z1, and now ARK. :(
It has potential but it's very lacking, I don't understand the comments I've seen about this being beyond usual early access level. It doesn't feel like that at all, I mean it's sort of playable but I can't understand why they didn't optimise it just a little before putting it out for early access. It seems no matter what rig you have anything above medium settings becomes a stutter fest.

I'll not even go into the bugs as those are to be expected.
I change like 2 settings for the resolution, cos the mouse position and where its picking up is way off, and then the game wont stay open, keeps minimising.

I look for a solution, and ive got fresh malware spamming my screen. I faff about removing that, trying to get the game to work. Relatives turn up for half an hour, they leave, im finally rid of the malware, got the game working full screen, join Horrorwoods server and as its loading i can hear my brother and his kids have just arrived for the weekend.

Monday it is then :D
It has potential but it's very lacking, I don't understand the comments I've seen about this being beyond usual early access level. It doesn't feel like that at all, I mean it's sort of playable but I can't understand why they didn't optimise it just a little before putting it out for early access. It seems no matter what rig you have anything above medium settings becomes a stutter fest.

I'll not even go into the bugs as those are to be expected.

The devs commented on this the other day; they said the reason for it running like tosh is they spent all their time cramming as much content into it for the EA release as possible so that people had stuff to do. They admitted to not touching the performance side of things at all. Apparently that's their top priority now, so hopefully it'll improve loads in the coming days / weeks. :)
me and 3 mates just tried this. i recommend holding off, soo many technical issues in the first 30 minutes. maybe in a few weeks time, but we have all requested a refund for now

I'll likely purchase it in the future again but for the moment it's not worth £20 imo.

Indeed. my keyboard kept disconnecting while playing, and if i unplugged it the game sound would go aswell :S and now my keyboard isnt working properly lol. certain keys arent working and it keeps disconnecting
I grabbed this last night and had my first play today. Had watched a few videos on Youtube and liked the look of it. Have never played a survival game before just a few MMORPG's a few years ago but ended up playing about 5 hours and really enjoyed it, definately not polished but apart from a sound dropout that lasted until I restarted the game it ran fairly well for me, medium settings at 1080p.

One thing I struggled with, after finally finishing my first base but not having enough hide for a bed I went out hunting and died, and then was unable to find my way back to the base. How do you tell where you are on the map and how do you get the Latitude Longitude co-ordinates or is that simply by guessing using the map axis? I searched the rough area for ages but as I couldn't tell if I was facing north/south etc when going more inland I ended up building another!

Also should say the only glaring issue I saw was the collision detection which is very off but hopefully they will be working on that soon.
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Never really been into these survival games but this isn't that bad, sure the game isnt optimized yet graphics wise but it's very playable. I'm just testing things out on the pve servers at the moment to get the hang of things without any hassle.
I grabbed this last night and had my first play today. Had watched a few videos on Youtube and liked the look of it. Have never played a survival game before just a few MMORPG's a few years ago but ended up playing about 5 hours and really enjoyed it, definately not polished but apart from a sound dropout that lasted until I restarted the game it ran fairly well for me, medium settings at 1080p.

One thing I struggled with, after finally finishing my first base but not having enough hide for a bed I went out hunting and died, and then was unable to find my way back to the base. How do you tell where you are on the map and how do you get the Latitude Longitude co-ordinates or is that simply by guessing using the map axis? I searched the rough area for ages but as I couldn't tell if I was facing north/south etc when going more inland I ended up building another!

Also should say the only glaring issue I saw was the collision detection which is very off but hopefully they will be working on that soon.

Every server I've seen and played on has the mapping options disabled, only other way is to find/make a GPS and keep a record of your position.
can anyone tell me how sli/crossfire is holding up? more than likely non existent if it's early release, but just wondering as it will sway whether or not to jump on board this early. Been burned to much of late with early access games, but it does look very interesting.
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