Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

My server never seems to be full.

Feel free to add me on steam and i'll add you to a whitelist if you have a problem getting on.

Yeah, I'll second that, you're doing a great job of running the server, and it seems like things are pretty calm, theres not too many people in there, its fairly quiet so you can do your own thing as long as you dont agro others you should be fine, and when you do see ppl its not been a problem. We had someone swim out to our sharky while we were taming it and having a look at it. They hung around for ages, said nothing. After about 15min one of our ppl flew over, picked him up, flew him around a little and dropped him in the ocean a few meters away. Its been fun.

After 74hrs ive not had someone else attack me, other than teammates :D

I joined up with a couple of people on our 2nd day, was already playing with someone else on here but the other 3 had been playing since day1 and were much more active and also spend a lot of the day in there, its not long that im playing without someone else being there too, even if they're doing their own thing.
Its been really good, and its also made things a lot more accessible as theres teamwork and just someone to keep you company on our teamspeak.
In fact, when they came up to us outside our little 3x3x2 house they asked if we were friendly and wanted to join, while we were chatting a carno came from nowhere and attacked us, and in the chaos of killing the carno each others pets got hit, causing agro there too. I think we had 2 dilo's and something else, and despite 2 of them being killed in the process, and we'd got away fine (i think the 2 dilo's died, i saw 1 got sent flying by the carno, before i'd seen a carno), and they were all cool about it.
One of our members was flying across the map on our 'devil bird' (the vulture/eagle) making saddles for people for nothing (just the materials needed).

If you want a fairly quiet life on a nicely populated server, the ability to get started without being messed with by ppl on high end stuff cos you're easy prey, then horrorwoods server has been really good. Never had any issues with it, although i havent tried any other either to compare. I just know its been rock solid and the ppl on there have been fine, which is all you can ask for really.

They optimised this at all yet?

Apparently, a little. Not really sure ive seen any gains though tbh. The biggest gains were supposed to be for lower hardware, and a 290x isnt low, so it was optimisation which didnt really help high-end hardware. That said, im playing on medium, the game looks really nice, and while 25-35fps isnt something i'd say it acceptable, for me personally i can honestly say it hasnt been an issue. It hasnt made it harder to play, and i dont get headaches or w/e issues ppl get, fortunately for me.

The rate at which updates are coming is extremely positive though. constant small updates (fixes, balancing tweaks etc) and new content on bigger updates (like Friday & Sat's mini-update had).

I've been very pleased, and i wish more companies did things like this. Similar story with pCARS (even though im not overly bothered about it, despite being a full backer), if small (10-40ppl) development teams at least keep a constant stream of updates and improvements coming, and then when its complete, they release a full polished title just like they would if it was publisher funded - i'd be quite fine with that, and im sure many would. Still a long way, obviously. But the early signs are positive, and im loving what we've got at the moment.
They optimised this at all yet?

Not sure but imo its the worst optimised game i've played so far. Playing on medium on 1080p and looks awful in places but slightly nice in other places. That being said its a shame atm because the game is friggin addictive and fun to play and frustrating at the same time lol. But meh its early access game so what you expect? lol. Its what i keep telling my self lol. But i get 30-45 FPS on a 290x and i5 3750k.
I like a bit of pvp myself. One of my tribe members attacked a guy at a resource drop, and it turned out he was part of a tribe so we had 4 raptor riders come at us! Luckily we had our house nearly finished so while fighting them off I chucked a door on it and we legged it inside. Fun moments like that make it for me. We also managed to kill our first t Rex and brontosaurus which was intense!
Picked this up yesterday and been playing on a friends private server. Interesting so far and look forward to progressing. Built a small thatch house last night on the beach and tamed our first trike (which felt like it took forever)
Funny you should say that paul, seems someone has it in for us, they've wiped our base out the last two nights!

Where abouts on the map are you?
I havent ventured very far beyond the south central 9th of the map. We went to the mountain which is pretty much dead center on the map, and thats it. If it wasnt for the game selecting East 1 as the default spawn, and i'd accidentally spawn there rather than where i wanted, thats pretty much all i'd have of the map uncovered so far :D

I know 2 of ours (spongey & dan) have been causing a bit of trouble with previous disputes and others randomly killing our pet trike and saying nothing about it till the next day ('hit it while picking berries'!?) after they tore their base down. If they'd simply explained, would have been fine (or better at least), but instead they said nothing.
The last 2 nights i know it definitely wasnt either of them, otherwise myself & elli/elie are completely opposed to the PvP unless attacked.

Hope you get things back together again.
God, this game. I'm hopeless addicted to it now and I blame ALL of you for not doing enough to dissuade me from buying it! :D

Tamed a Carno on my own yesterday. That was an epic feeling. An opportunistic fight between it and a stego meant I had the chance to put 8 tranq arrows into it. After it'd gone down I set there for what seemed like eternity (actually 2 and a half hours) and feed it over 30 meat, 200+ narcoberries and 27 narcotics. I died four times too thanks to another carno in the area spotting me twice and I had to kill myself once as I had to use the random spawn as the bed was on countdown.

Also managed to get a Rex down today but despite putting over 40 narcotics into it, it only got a third tamed and we'd utterly ran out of materials and time, so we had to put it to sleep*

Such an amazing game and I've barely scratched the surface.

*stab it in the head repeatedly until it gave up loads of hide and meat
I have had terrible luck with killing rex and brontosaurus, since they seem to ragdoll up into the sky out of reach all the time. Put 19 narco arrows into a rex and didn't even slow him down!

We now have an epic fortress though. 3 stories and we have a nice little irrigated farm. Fully decked out inside with a couple beds. Big Dino gate and fence etc
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Will you be able to update the server to 174.31 (or higher) in the morning? They've allowed a server side option ("EnablePvPGamma=true") to allow the gamma command into 174.3 (server list says were on 174.2). The others in the tribe said it worked for them, but using gamma 0-5 made no difference, yet it worked fine the other day, and ive restarted the game a few times to double check.

how do u join a server via ip address please?

Not sure its possible (i guess it must be as its listed), but i just added horrorwood, he was on ARC at the time, and i either searched for friends or connected to his server via steam friends option.

Today we captured 3 more Argentavis/Eagles, they're absolutely amazing because unlike the Pteranodon, which flies based on always reducing stamina (landing to recover stamina, dropping you if it needs to), these can fly constantly and only use stamina for sprinting (stopping movement retrieves stamina) so its a really nice way to see the map.

One thing ive been rather disappointed with is the OP nature of tamed dinos versus wild dinos. They're almost invincible. The Carno with a bit of leveling in health then damage, can take out a T-Rex in 3-4 bites! You can go into battle with say 4-5 trikes, or 3 brontos, and its a slog but you'll win. I think only a pack of raptors comes close to being a threat, cos you cant outrun them or turn to get head-to-head with them if they get behind you. The only thing you can do is jump off and pike em, with the extremely OP and near indestructible metal item (axe & pick are made of butter in comparison).
An equal type & level animal should have an equal chance of winning. They would if they were both wild, but somehow narco berries turn them into the hulk! :D

You guys also seen they've announced THREE more dinos being added on Friday? Just a week after them adding the Spino.

Im wondering if they've actually got a few things they're intentionally holding back on. The DLC model, applied to early access to present a very fast paced high-quality content to their audience. Maybe its always been close and they'd hoped to do all 4 (1+3) last week and we'll not see another for weeks or months, but whatever it is, its brilliant. There was enough variety in the game to begin with, and not too much that it was hard to identify, and adding new ones means they're easier to spot and less overwhelming? But its more stuff to look forward to either.
If only they would add a server queue as the steam auto join doesnt really work and the servers tend to be full (official at least).
I'm beyond gutted. Bear in mind I'm only 28 and in a tribe that isn't that advanced (tech wise) I just lost all my metal pick, metal axe (X2) pike, tranq arrows, bowx2, hide armour and about 20 metal ingots, plus all the resources I'd picked up and worst of all my scorpion ride. Black screen (graphics card crash even though I'm up to date with drivers) when I'm crossing a river to go and loot a carno corpse on the other side. By the time I get back into the game I've drowned and so has the scorpion and when I get back to the rough area where I died, it's the middle of the night, I have no illumination and I can't even try and scour the riverbed as it's full of chuffin' piranhas :(

Sad, sad times.
I'm beyond gutted. Bear in mind I'm only 28 and in a tribe that isn't that advanced (tech wise) I just lost all my metal pick, metal axe (X2) pike, tranq arrows, bowx2, hide armour and about 20 metal ingots, plus all the resources I'd picked up and worst of all my scorpion ride. Black screen (graphics card crash even though I'm up to date with drivers) when I'm crossing a river to go and loot a carno corpse on the other side. By the time I get back into the game I've drowned and so has the scorpion and when I get back to the rough area where I died, it's the middle of the night, I have no illumination and I can't even try and scour the riverbed as it's full of chuffin' piranhas :(

Sad, sad times.

Yeah, its pretty horrible when that happens. IMO when you die you should always spawn in with a torch. I dont care whether its realistic or not, but spawning in after dying at night, when theres zero moonlight illumination and their idea of night its absolutely pitch black, is absolutely horrible.
In our first base we had the beds on the 2nd floor, with a ladder up to them. It was a nightmare being able to find the ladder to climb down. If we left fires or standing lights up there, someone would put them on and leave them on so they'd be empty for the next person etc. It'd take you like 5min, of panicking knowing you're body is out there somewhere, and you're stuck wasting time in a chuffing pitch black wooden box :mad:

Its much better to have the spawn beds outside, so there the hope of some illumination, and put a chest and campfire next to it. In the chest, build a load of torches, and finding the campfire helps you find the chest, get light, turn off campfire, and get going again.
That's a good idea about having the beds outside. I may have to pitch that to the tribe as we have it even worse than you. Our beds are currently on the third floor so that's two ladders to traverse in pitch black :D
My server never seems to be full.

Feel free to add me on steam and i'll add you to a whitelist if you have a problem getting on.


may I ask how you connect to your server?

I tried it via a desktop short cut with the path steam://connect/ but it comes up server not responding.

also send you a steam friends request.


Peace (steam name Gareze)
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may I ask how you connect to your server?

I tried it via a desktop short cut with the path steam://connect/ but it comes up server not responding.

also send you a steam friends request.


Peace (steam name Gareze)

Sorry for the first time in forever my IP address changed. It should still show the server in the in game browser, but if not it is
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