I've ordered some 1866MHz G.Skill Cas9 memory as it's on the Asrock supported memory list but I know it's probably overkill when you consider the tiny advantages of anything over 1600MHz. I do realise that the list isn't comprehensive though i.e. lots of other memory will be fine but this stuff is listed as having being tested with 4 sticks and tested with an overclock of some sort so I felt a little more comfortable when ordering it.
CPU still boxed and awaiting the board is the 2600K. Now I just need some case/radiator fans and a GPU upgrade.
i2600k? just for gaming and such or will you be doing video encoding etc that'll make use of the hyperthreading?
I'm thinking just going all out and getting the i2600k then not upgrading for a few years but £40-£65 extra for the extreme 7 over the extreme4 gen3 plus £80 extra for the i2600k over the i2500k, I'm going to be mainly gaming and genral usage(not sure if will be doing any video encoiding etc) so not sure.
rest of the specs would be:
custom moded lian li a05(red poweder coated, grill cut in the roof),
arctic freezer 7 pro rev 2(have, upgrade to better cooler later or water cooling),
2x sapphire 6950 toxic(possible 3rd in future),
8gb pc3-12800 1600mhz ram(thinking corsair vengence lp black),
128gb crucial m4(ordered),
2x1tb samsung f3(have),
750gb samsung f2(have, currently os drive but will end up being storage),
samsung dvd-rw(have),
coolermaster real power m850(have)
dell u2711(have)
with i2500k upgrade cost comes to little under£1600, i2600k upgrade comes to just over £1650. £70 price difference worth it?
was only looking to upgrade cpu, mb and ram(~£400 upgrade) but ended up having to upgrade monitor then giving into temptation to upgrade graphics card, so now even without the ssd looking at £1500 for upgrade
edit so caved and placed the pre-order, also ordered the crucial 128gb m4. cpu and ram to go