[TW]Fox;22588761 said:ubersonic, where did you get such explicit detail of exactly what happened, something which can surely only be known by two people in the world?
Anyway as you don't believe the charges are genuine and non consensual sex isn't really an offence in your view and its all made up why would anyone make up anything that in your view is so poor and cannot stand up?
[TW]Fox;22588761 said:ubersonic, where did you get such explicit detail of exactly what happened, something which can surely only be known by two people in the world?
I never said or implied that non consensual sex isn't an offence, in fact I believe I stated that the sex involved was consensual. I doubt the girls story's were made up however they have undoubtedly been twisted and perverted into allegations by the Swedish authority's.
The "man". Something like that.So what is Assange actually hiding from.
All this ignores the fact that the US haven't sought Assange's extradition to the US while he was wandering about in the UK and they could have if they had wanted to, avoiding all the conspiracy scandal in the meantime. A lot simpler and hardly likely to cause a fuss in the UK like this one.
Why would they bother to trump up charges? There would be little point if its just to get him to Sweden to then get him to the US..we have an extradition agreement with the US and have shown no previously reluctance to use it.
Ecuador has one too. They don't however have one with Sweden.
So what is Assange actually hiding from.
Why would they bother to trump up charges?.
Read again, potential death sentence, we will not extradite.
Thye haven't because we don't extradite if death is a potential sentence, and what he has been accused of would have that potential.
No point them applying while he is here.
Both Swedish law and Sweden's obligations under the European convention on human rights mean Assange could not be extradited to the US if he were wanted for a crime which might lead to the death penalty.
You can't see the difference between:
Bloke running Wikileaks highlighting how corrupt the US is being whisked off to the US
Sex offender on the run being whisked off to the US
Yes I can, that's a pretty ludicrous thing to sayIn this case however Assange would be deported from here and he appears far more worried about the sex case in Sweden..the place Ecuador has no agreement with.
You asked for why they would trump up charges. I gave you one possible answer. How exactly is that ludicrous. If it is that obvious then why did you ask in the first place?![]()
Why would they bother to trump up charges?
That's the bit nobody knows, If he were just a normal person none of this would ever have happened its only due to who he is that this has been taken so far. And one thing I forgot to note earlier was when Sweden issued a warrant for his arrest after him travelling to the UK he offered to visit the Swedish embassy so he could be re-questioned but they declined the offer, so it isn't like he didn't try to cooperate.
I didn't regard it as an answer, I regarded it as a slightly strange position / criticism of my ability to understand basic concepts. If that's the answer well I am afraid it doesn't account for anything in the conspiracy holding up, its fallacious.
There is no reason to trump up charges and people really are trying to have it both ways in this thread / in support of Assange.
On the one hand some people say the only reason he is alleged to have done something in Sweden is because a US conspiracy must be behind the case to get him there to get him to the USA. Then on the other they say the charges / allegations are so ludicrously shallow and unfounded they couldn't be grounds to send him to Sweden.
So its either a conspiracy from hell (about as well done as a magic trick where you make something disappear by putting it a box and getting someone to simply take the box off stage). Badly organised, badly conceived and leaving him in a country where the extradition position is just the same as it would be here, where the US still haven't said they want him for anything.
Or its just a guy who is wanted for a crime in a country trying to avoid going there by hooking up with a regime with a record on human rights worse than the one he claimed to be crusading against. Assange is, at the least, a hypocrite.
There is no reason to trump up charges? And yet you agreed there was a big difference between what I posted. There is no reason to trump up charges to physically get him to the US - I fully agree with that - but there are plenty of good reasons to trump up charges to smear his name/tie up his time/undermine Wikileaks etc.
Try not to accuse people of making arguments based upon fallacies when you yourself are doing the same. And stop building the strawman whilst you are at it - if you had of bothered to read my stance on this I have quite categorically said I think he has charges to answer but those charges may have been instigated along by actions of the US government - they are not mutually exclusive like most people seem to assume. The charges don't specifically have to be about extradition do they that's what you are assuming there. Once the damage is done to his reputation then that process would be easier albeit not from a logistical point of view.
He shouldn't be treated differently to anyone else.
If there were sex offence allegations against anyone else they wouldn't be asked to the Embassy for a quick chat. If he was a normal person he wouldn't expect to be treated like that.
And he has done more damage to his own reputation than the Swedes are doing.