And this is where I really agree with you. Facing the charges and coming away innocent would make him look the victim which is not what normally happens normally no matter what the mud sticks.
If there was no US involvement and no consent: then it would be his word against theirs. In light of their subsequent messages - they find in his favour
If there was US involvement and no consent: then it would be his word against theirs. In light of their subsequent messages - they find in his favour
If there was no US involvement and consent: then it would be his word against theirs. In light of their subsequent messages - they find in his favour
If there was US involvement and consent: then it would be his word against theirs. In light of their subsequent messages - they find in his favour
No matter what he walks. At the moment he is running and looking guilty running at that. But as the outcome is pretty much guaranteed then I wondering why the Swedish authorities are pursuing it and he is running. Therefore, from that I read it as there was US involvement and no consent. Simplistic speculation but I like to speculate and I am pretty simple!
I can see the logic in that in principle.
But equally if he had thought so he would have stayed or gone back voluntarily.
The association with Ecuador, which has no extradition to Sweden, makes me suspicious that he has run because he doesn't believe he would get off. Given Sweden has an excellent record in terms of the justice system he cannot be fearing the lack of a fair trial or getting convicted in a case where the evidence is bad.
And as the US have not sought him it seems very mentioned before Ecuador is the sort of country you would have thought someone with his claimed principles would be campaigning against, not going to live in!