Assange to go!

The snatch squad will be waiting to grab him is he takes a foot off the doorstep.

I suspect that he might be pushed by the Ecuadorian consul......I think it might just be sinking in that their hopes of gaining traction on a proposed commercial treaty with the EU just might be a little more tenuous in their present diplomatic position with Britain and Sweden, not to mention the refusal of the United States and Canada to support the OAS. I would not be at all surprised if the US and Canada have not had rather more to say privately to Ecuador than we are aware of.

While the granting of asylum might be good for diverting attention from Ecuador's current attacks on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Press in its own country, and it plays well to the SA peanut gallery and the notion of standing up to colonialism (lol), the wider political and economic realities of such a move and alienating their biggest potential trading partners was probably initially lost on them, I suspect that in the last few days this has been pointed out.

I think the likelihood of Julian Assange reaching Ecuadorian soil is pretty remote and this is all simply another sideshow.
Indeed, I would laugh as soon as he stepped out they closed the door behind him and all you heard was it locking.

I can imagine just as Assange begins his speech we see the Embassy staff slowly begin to back away....before turning tail and bolting the door and looking nervously through the letterbox, with the Ecuadorian Ambassador saying "has he gone yet" ....:D
Technically he cannot exit the actual Flat that is the Ecuadorian Embassy....he cannot even walk down the communal corridors and stairwells within the building without risking arrest.
Which raises the question, how do they poison somebody with radioactive material without poisoning themselves, it's not like they do it in a radioactive suit. Just curious.

They use sources which emit alpha particles, which when outside the body aren't that harmful but when inside are deadly.
Which raises the question, how do they poison somebody with radioactive material without poisoning themselves, it's not like they do it in a radioactive suit. Just curious.

They use alpha sources of radiation. It can't penetrate a few sheets of paper. You can handle it, put it in someones tea and then wash your hands and you're good to go. However, if it is ingested it is very dangerous. The stuff is regularly found in regular fire alarms.
Which raises the question, how do they poison somebody with radioactive material without poisoning themselves, it's not like they do it in a radioactive suit. Just curious.

When ingested small amounts of Polonium are highly poisonous, however as Polonium is only an Alpha-Emitter it has limited toxicity outside of the human body. Very simple and unobtrusive handling precautions would be enough.....something as simple as a custom sweetner dispenser would be sufficent.
Ecuador should not be poking their nose in our business. If it was any old joe then they wouldn't be so interested.
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