With Assange the password is probably 'G0d' or some such arrogant nonsence.
It's a one-step Caesar cipher - jutopusbqfjgzpvtbztvsqsjtf
With Assange the password is probably 'G0d' or some such arrogant nonsence.
Why are we indulging the irrational delusions of this sexual predator...
Why are we indulging the irrational delusions of this sexual predator...
Can we just pause and take a step back for a second:
Have the Americans explicitly said they want him extradited to the USA?
If they have, on what grounds/charges?
To me it seems like someone made something up along the lines of "Assange will be extradited to the USA" and it seems to have gone haywire from there.
Can we just pause and take a step back for a second:
Have the Americans explicitly said they want him extradited to the USA?
If they have, on what grounds/charges?
To me it seems like someone made something up along the lines of "Assange will be extradited to the USA" and it seems to have gone haywire from there.
Sexual predator lol. Do you even know anything about this case?
several high level politicians in the US have called for his death
Well we know they are currently investigating Wikileaks, several high level politicians in the US have called for his death/imprisonment. Furthermore, they have kept Bradley Manning in 'torture' conditions for over two years without trial. When asked for assurances that they will not seek his extradition to the US they have repeatedly failed to do so.
It is clear Assange would happily go to Sweden if he had assurances from the Swedish/US government that they would not seek his extradition to the US. The Swedish government have not given those guarantees (and this was a crucial factor in Ecuador's decision to grant him asylum).
Yes thanks. ignoring the irrational conspiracy theories, the facts are pretty straight forward. Assange is wanted for questioning on several sexual assault charges, and refuses to answer them. There is absolutely no evidence to support the usa paranoia when compared with reality, so relying on this must be the result of paranoid delusion an assange's part, or alternatively he is running from justice because he knows he is guilty.
we shouldn't entertain his paranoid fantasies as fact, he should face the liberal justice system in Sweden rather than running off to an oppressive dictatorship.
Oh dear, imagine the only place you in the world you were welcome was Ecuador.
Yes thanks. ignoring the irrational conspiracy theories, the facts are pretty straight forward. Assange is wanted for questioning on several sexual assault charges, and refuses to answer them.
OK, lets focus on his alleged crime.
Why were the charges originally dropped ans what evidence is there that he committed the alleged offence?
Why were the charges originally dropped ans what evidence is there that he committed the alleged offence?
double jeopardy isnt really relevant, charges get dropped and brought back regularly in the UK as well, and the evidence is the same as most sexual crimes, the statements of those involved.
Why do you think the alleged crime shouldn't be investigated?
What if the 'rapee' gave consent?
Yer I'd be gutted ...