Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

I gave up for the night. Just too many bugs for me so I may wait for a patch.

Early on in, a bear attack encounter resulted in the bear getting stuck in a tree stump and just before that where you are meant to gather feathers from birds nests in trees I couldn't pick them up. Both moments required restarting the sequence. In all the AC games I have heavily played, I never encountered a single bug. AC3 is a mess from the start :/
Is anyone else finding this bloody hard?

I seem to desynchronise upwards of 20 times per mission. I just can't seem to follow people undetected. I'm not sure if I'm missing a button or something. Was quite drunk when I started playing so I've forgotten the controls almost, lol. Is there not a crouch button at all?
Is anyone else finding this bloody hard?

I seem to desynchronise upwards of 20 times per mission. I just can't seem to follow people undetected. I'm not sure if I'm missing a button or something. Was quite drunk when I started playing so I've forgotten the controls almost, lol. Is there not a crouch button at all?

YES ! and it's really annoying :D I'm thinking of just using an xbox controller
I get MAD stutter with this. CF 5870s. on 12.11s Tried the "make crossfire always work" button. and without. and with just 1 card. Same always. Any suggestions?
Green Man Gaming giving me this every time I try and install.


Downloaded twice now and at 2 hours each time it's getting a bit tedious. A zip file for a 16GB game? Seriously??

I believe gmg keep downloads in a zip so go to the gmg downlaod folder and then extract it yourself, should work.
I kinda agree with everything you've said (although I played it on the 360).

For me, it's only really just picked up at Sequence 6, but not by much. I've absolutely no affinity with Connor at all, compared to Ezio he's a shallow chararcter with seemingly no charm at all. I'd have rather stuck with Hayden, who seemed to have more layers - well voice acted too.

And I used to love the Assassination side-quests on AC2, but these (10 so far) have all just been some guy walking around the perimiter of a building :confused:

Another irritation is the fact that opportunities for a proper stealth approach are limited - I've been trying to take the Forts by complete stealth, but there are so many guards in there, and no real distraction techniques, that it seems nigh-on impossible, so it ends up being a massive skirmish (and, as you've pointed out, taking on 8+ guards isn't hard so you may as well go brute force).

Seems more action orientated, too much hand-holding in quests, too much 'walk-cutscene-walk-cutscene' moments and very little scope to approach missions.

That, and endlessly running through the empty fields of America feels far less epic than scurrying across the rooftops of 15th century Rome....

Yup, I've played loads more, its fun, almost but, not, also :p

The side missions are walk up to person, takes a second then you can interact, then, nothing.... there is no story this time, no reason to kill people, no "please deliver this stuff" just if your lucky a message will stay on screen long enough to tell you what to do. So many little missions have essentially no story, no direction and as you said, I had an assassination mission which was 4 or 5 guys, on their own, who pay no attention to you, no where special, walk up bang, no reaction, no story, nothing, just bang bang bang bang bang, and the mission finishes, no more story, no thanks, no follow up quest, nothing at all.

There are all too many quests that are just tacked on, the trade/convoy/crafting thing is all hilariously awful to navigate, as far as I can tell, entirely unprofitable, and boring as hell, with very little gain when it does happen, and seemingly so much money from chests that its completely not needed.

Assassins quests, as in, send them off for minutes to gain experience and control other parts of the globe.... firstly holding t and clicking precisely on the mouse to get the menu option to set these missions is woeful, they discourage you from doing them till you have 5 assassins as they get 40xp each, not less and less xp for each assassin added, so I've given up for now, as without an idea of the mechanics I have no idea if doing them all early means later assassins can't be levelled.

Combat, its just too easy, travelling/open world, improved dramatically after a time, though adding towns out of nowhere in the middle of maps you've been on for hours and hours.... is really odd, and feels like it will happen again. Sea quests, because of fast travel I till 50% into the game I didn't realise you could go on sea quests yourself, and because the pad by other ports does crafting, I never checked it....

The game is incredibly boringly over hand holding for some missions, and almost zero explanation of ENTIRE features of the game in other areas. Its like they've half finished it, and the bugs, omg the bugs. They keep coming and coming.

The first 3-4 convoy attacks I did resulted in various massive bugs, one my own horse fell through the ground(its done this in lots of other places) it disappeared, its head only appeared in a fight, I mounted it apparently... then got stuck, dismounted and fell into the abyss of nothingness. Twice the convoy has simply disappeared from existance during an attack, one I was transported up the same road, went back, gone again, and once the game just flat out crashed.

There are good bits about this game, but its not a patch on the rest, story/location/epic feel of locations, putting effort into the side quests and making them feel almost worthwhile, the other games, even the first, have this beat hands down.

Its ME3 for me, it should be good, they've proved they can make it good, they just screwed up the final part... for no apparent reason they tried to reinvent the wheel and they made every part worse. Combat easier to too easy, and detection more buggy, more sensitive and worse to the point of frequently ridiculously annoying. Why do game makers take the best bits, and make them worse or remove them, then take the worst bits, and make them worse as well?

Change for changes sake, how much time/effort would they have saved with the same assassins missions, the same UI, the same kind of crafting and upgrades? Not only would they all work better, they would work, the code was there and working and they decided to mess with it just for the sake of change.

If the last couple games are 8 or 9/10, this is a 5 or 6, game wise, and maybe -1 due to the bugs.
^Those comments above don't bode well as I am already tired of bugs early on in the game and I have only just been introduced to Connor as a young lad.

The game feels and plays vastly different from the previous ones from what I have seen.
Having played this abit over the weekend I can see what drunkenmaster is getting at.

I seem to have been lucky and have not seen many bugs or perhaps im less forgiving :) The occasional dodgy animation (trying to get into the back of moving carts), NPC's getting stuck on the terrain and graphical errors and poor draw distance (I saw a squad of soliders warp in a few times)

I do agree with the pacing of the story seems to get abit erratic at times ( I think they attempted to do too much in one game) and agree that I dont feel invested in Connor so far as I did with Ezio. I did squeal with glee at the plot twist near the start though :D

The game also seems to not be very good at telling you what you can and can't do or how the new game systems work, I spent a lot of time using the reload checkpoint button. Icons appear on the difficult to use map which are not explained, the benefit of collectibles is not explained, the QTE although welcome as a change of pace are unforgiving (at least with young connor)

I do love the new combat system when you time it right and you combination kill people its like watching a sympthony of death :cool: I wish we had more control over bows, pistols and rifles as they are satisfying to watch being used but you have little control over them.

I don't like the new control system as much as previous games with the Emphasis now on the B button (Xbox 360 controller) which I find more difficult to use compared to X or A. I do like the that free running is easier to use now and the range of movement is expanded to allow dodging in and out of crowds and hiding round corners.

I think a lot of people including myself hold the series in very high regard (like ME) which is why we are critising what I actually think is still a very good game. I do think the development time seemed short (they claim 3 years of development but i suspect only a handful of staff were developing at first) perhaps with an extra six months and more focus testing some of the annoyances could have been ironed out and bugs squashed.

Still having fun though and hopefully I will have adult connor soon. :D
Just filed a paypal claim against CJS for my "Deluxe" copy being a standard. The only response they have given is "I should check I have entered the key correctly as it is valid". :rolleyes:

No idea why I wen't here again after the issues I have had but anyhow it seems they are still ripping people off selling dodgy keys and standard editions as deluxe.
Just filed a paypal claim against CJS for my "Deluxe" copy being a standard. The only response they have given is "I should check I have entered the key correctly as it is valid". :rolleyes:

No idea why I wen't here again after the issues I have had but anyhow it seems they are still ripping people off selling dodgy keys and standard editions as deluxe.

are you sure you put your code in the extras bit on the menu?
i bought mine from cjs and mine worked fine
strange, did you take out the dashes?

Tried everything. According to Ubi the key can be used to upgrade a standard edition to Deluxe so it could have been used ingame before ? There are two activations you can use the key for so it seems my key had already been used to activate the Deluxe features.
Finished this Sunday morning, albeit the Campaign. Found some of the side missions confusing and the controls not always seeming to respond. For example, when you get attacked by an animal, you have to press the buttons that appear on screen. I have tried this umpteen times, most times get de-synced (with bears and elks) and only managed to kill wolves when they run and turn to attack again, with the pistol.
Considering this is a stealth game, this ability is very limited, especially on roof tops, making it very difficult to go undetected in missions and even more so if the mission is timed. Never bothered with convoys or assassin missions, may do these when the game gets a few patches. Just to many glitches to mention, some of which have got me killed.
Overall impression of this game at the moment, not as good as previous games.
Found my first problem after reaching Boston, got to kill soldiers using only a gun but after killing a couple of them I can't now get him to take out the gun to shoot soldiers on the roof who are shooting at me, I can pick up a musket but can't use that either. At one point I couldn't draw my sword either, I think it's a keyboard remapping problem, several times some of my keyboard settings have reverted to default.:mad:
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