Assassin's Creed IV- Black Flag

Guys, I have it running sweat nearly maxed out with a single 7950. Have a FPS limiter running at 40fps as it seemed no matter what settings I used, I would get frame drops into 40s anywhere around dense foliage. Lowering max fps to 40 cured this and doesn't seem any less smooth to me. Give it a try.
Can anyone clarify whether or not Assassins Creed: Freedom Cry is going to be standalone on PC or not? I read that it was, but on Steam it says you need Black Flag in order to play?
Enjoying this, odd because I hated the boat bits in Assassin's Creed 3 but here I love the Jackdaw.

Had a real laugh last night when pulling up to a small but nosy island Adéwalé suddenly shouted 'someone muzzle that duck!'.
I put this away back in December when i came across a game breaking crash in the first couple of minutes on the mission for Africa. I really enjoyed it though and want to get back in it but it crashed again at the same place. Anybody aware of a fix?
I put this away back in December when i came across a game breaking crash in the first couple of minutes on the mission for Africa. I really enjoyed it though and want to get back in it but it crashed again at the same place. Anybody aware of a fix?

There is, there's a post on the official forums I think which has a replacement file you put in your directory which let's you continue on. I had a quick search in google but couldn't find anything as I don't remember the name of the mission.

EDIT: Found it:
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So just started playing this.

My pc specs are 670 2Gb SLI, 8Gb Ram and a 3570k

The im happy with the settings the GFE has set, expect it has choosen to turn physx off!

Even Metro Last Light it put physx to Advanced. Is it really that taxing in this game?

Also there seems to be a lot of what I can only describe as texture pop (or rather the texture are fuzzy untill you get closer then they pop in to focus) :confused:
So just started playing this.

My pc specs are 670 2Gb SLI, 8Gb Ram and a 3570k

The im happy with the settings the GFE has set, expect it has choosen to turn physx off!

Even Metro Last Light it put physx to Advanced. Is it really that taxing in this game?

Also there seems to be a lot of what I can only describe as texture pop (or rather the texture are fuzzy untill you get closer then they pop in to focus) :confused:

Yeah Far Cry 3 had this also. It's instead of texture pop in, it kind of fades in. Quite a horrible effect though
It turns out the GFE got the game settings completely wrong as well. I waked the settings up and using TXAA 4x (*physx off) and it plays perfect.

Also it had gimped my Crysis 3 settings. I maxed those out using SMAA low 1x and it plays perfect.
There's bits in both games where you will see fps drops at max settings. Usually when in and around shrubbery on an island in AC4 I found. Crysis 3 just seemed to have some really demanding bits with lots of grass etc, then indoor bits that were perfect.
Just beaten this, thoughts below:

+Great graphics IMO, generally suits the setting
+Decent performance considering the age of my graphics card, it only really seems to tail off when there is a lot of foliage around like on that southern island
+Quite a lot of content, it took me 28hrs to beat with 79% completion.
+Works quite well as an open world game, travel doesn't take too long and plenty to get involved in on the way to places
+Level design OK for the most part, not quite so many annoying repetitive sections like in some of the earlier games where failing a jump means a two minute slog to get back to where you were. I think the series has settled into a fairly easy-going parkour vibe now, promoting speed and splendour over taxing platform sections (which is great for someone like me that doesn't like platformers)
+Some good characters, particularly your sidekicks
+Builds well on the naval element introduced in AC3
+Fun the most part, the odd annoying section but given the broad scope of the game acceptable I feel

-Occasional bug where the screen would 'freeze' except that the game is still going on in the background, e.g. the minimap would update/spin as I turned, sound effects playing etc but screen not updating. Mostly seemed to happen at sea.
-Kenway's Fleet is a bit clunky in terms of UX, requiring far too many clicks. E.g. for naval battles it would be nice to be able to have a pre-selected war fleet rather than having to manually cycle through and choose each ship for each slot
-Compounded by the 'decay' on routes being far too rapid, once I'd established 10 routes or so it became like a full time job having to keep going back every hour to get routes back down to green
-Further annoyance with the mobile app - while I commend the innovation, requiring an always-on internet connection is a bit stupid for a mobile game, as by definition it will usually be played when out and about (I kept disconnecting when playing on the train). Again this is compounded by a bug after reconnection where it sometimes claims you already have Kenway's Fleet running on another device, when I don't
-Storm conditions etc are under utilised - there is like a tutorial near the start where you learn how to tackle rogue waves, typhoons etc but you hardly ever encounter them
-Blowpipe feels a bit overpowered, in the sense that it makes stealth sections much easier. There's not enough transition from tough stealth to easy stealth, it just does it in one fell swoop
-Despite what I said about characters, the baddies are a bit lacklustre. Most of them, such as Torres, it was difficult to build up much emotion towards, they were just a bit 'meh'.
-End battle is kind of a let down, other boss fights were better
-Annoying icons on the map that you sail over to, only to find they can't be accessed yet. I think they should have made the Diving Bell available earlier to avoid this.
-Might have just been down to my playstyle but I found I was always short of metal resources. I finished the game with plenty of Jackdraw upgrades not done due to this.
-Upgrading the pirates hideout seemed a bit pointless in general, didn't seem to have as much character as the homestead missions in AC3
-Overall story plot isn't great, certainly not a patch on the Ezio games. Thankfully as mentioned it does compensate for this by being a good open world game
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