If this game has taught me one thing, its never to trust reviewers. I don't agree any of them. The game for me has improved and streamlined Origins and is fantastic as a result. Only level 13, so a long way to go.
edit: Would just add, I never used the micro transactions in Origins and don't intend to in this. They just aren't needed to progress.
The internet reviewers just talk nonsense. I've mentioned it a few times, they just want to blast through the titles in order to get their reviews out asap to get hits. Reviewers are also sheep, they set a trend of moaning or praising a certain thing about a game and then you'll see all the other reviewers jump onto that bandwagon and repeat it word for word. Sometimes I do wonder if some of these reviewers actually play the games at all, or just watch a few other reviews and then create a review parroting the same things to make it seem like they have.
Jimpressions review for example, goes on and on about the microtransactions and how you are forced to do side quests and buy boosters...
Well....point 1...you do side quests in a game? Shock horror ! Since when did gamers get so entitled and want everything on a plate? Of course you do side quests..good god man, I've done side quests in RPGs for 30 damned years, side quests are part and parcel of the genre ! You seriously telling me that every MMO should be marked down for making you do side quests, that Witcher should be marked down because of side quests, that Divinity Original Sin or Baldurs Gate should be marked down because of side quests. Pathetic excuse to moan about the title and entirely evidential of someone simply trying to blast through a game as quickly as possible.
Point 2..microtransactions. Again, fake news, utter bunkum and yet more proof of someone simply trying to blast through a game as quickly as possible. Lets see, where are we in this thread...page 34, several hundred posts...take a poll, see how many people in this thread who have played and enjoyed the game have bought boosters etc...whats that you say? Hardly anyone?? But how can that be possible !? When so many reviewers are telling us that you cant progress in the game without spending money? Or that microtransactions are an enforced necessity? However did we all manage to play?
Reviewer bunkum, total fake news, Ubisoft bashing because its cool to bash Ubisoft, or drama creating because drama sells. Whatever the reasons, its exceptionally poor and biased reviewing and simply factually wrong.
Rant over