Assassin’s Creed Origins

Tried it for an hour or so, it really feels somewhat different than past games. Sure, it's AC and the typical traits of the franchise are still there but the combat, rpg elements and quests are refreshing. Also, this might well be the most impressive game world I've seen this generation. It's just incredible that they managed to get something so gargantuan to look this good and be so varied. I can see myself spending hours on exploration alone as it's easy to get lost in the atmosphere. I've already stumbled upon qute a bunch of sidequests, so it seems the world isn't devoid of content either.

I'm slightly miffed I can't get locked 60fps at 1440p on a 1070 but I guess I'll have to live with it. Tried loading my OC profiel but the game won't launch with AB running in the background for some weird reason.
yea its the only crash ive had was running AB.. had to exit the program and not had a crash in 21 hours of gameplay..

im over leveling some areas quiet badly but dont really care tbh as im doing a lot of side quests and trying to find everything before moving on but i do need to progress the story abit more!
yea its the only crash ive had was running AB.. had to exit the program and not had a crash in 21 hours of gameplay..

im over leveling some areas quiet badly but dont really care tbh as im doing a lot of side quests and trying to find everything before moving on but i do need to progress the story abit more!
Just curious as to what level you are at and how many hours you have in game.
I’m doing a lot of crafting to get my health, Deangelo and assassins knives levelled up.

I’m level 16 with 14 hours played and just roaming around Alexandria killing and looting
Bit curious here. I been watching CohhCarnage playing this game and when he went through the cave to get out, he 3 times for 200 gold from looting and he is playing on hardest level. I am playing on Medium since I know myself, and never got a single 200 loot. So, it looks like either it is dependant on level or pure dumb luck ?? Does anyone know for sure ? :p
8 hours in game, 16% progress, at no point have I yet to feel bored or like I've nothing new to do. I can't wait to get out into the deserts and start exploring some tombs!

In fact, I just took out the largest base in Alexandria (2 captains, 1 commander, 4 treasures), I used a combination of stealth archery, dagger assassination (got it now I've progressed the story a bit) and a bit of brute force. Absolutely amazing, really was brilliant sneaking around taking out all the guys on the outside, then dealing with the lingering guys by sneaky dagger then just going all out mad with a huge spiked mace on the last few remaining guys.

Traps are fun, very fun, if you **** up and they light the torch and you've booby trapped it... Fun times! I've also got the skill to contaminate enemies that I've killed, so if they are discovered, the person finding them gets poisoned and killed. SOOO much fun.
Bit curious here. I been watching CohhCarnage playing this game and when he went through the cave to get out, he 3 times for 200 gold from looting and he is playing on hardest level. I am playing on Medium since I know myself, and never got a single 200 loot. So, it looks like either it is dependant on level or pure dumb luck ?? Does anyone know for sure ? :p

Yeah random bags do drop 200 gold on medium also as much as they do when I moved up to hard. I just spam animus scan when in caves and Hoover everything up that way.
Yeah random bags do drop 200 gold on medium also as much as they do when I moved up to hard. I just spam animus scan when in caves and Hoover everything up that way.

Same here, made over 6k so far, hoovering after a scan seems to be the best way, followed by selling everything that's not needed (idols, stuff like that).
Urgh, leveling up way too fast! I've already outleveled all the areas I've unlocked and only done about 30% of all the side quests. I'm now 5 levels above the main quest... I don't want to cake walk through the game :(

I hope they add in something similar to the witcher that scales enemies to your level.
Just curious as to what level you are at and how many hours you have in game.
I’m doing a lot of crafting to get my health, Deangelo and assassins knives levelled up.

I’m level 16 with 14 hours played and just roaming around Alexandria killing and looting

Level 19 but I've done a lot of farming aswell already got legendary quiver and epic tool bag.. I've finished with Alexandria other then a few chariot races which I'll come back to later just running around Giza now exploring.. think I'm about 6 levels higher then my main quest.
Got a couple questions if you guys and gals wont mind.

All the weapon you find, is it better to break them down for resources or selling them ? Guess it depends on how expensive the resources are ? You can hunt for pelts but can you actually chop down tree's for wood ?? Or can those only be obtained from breaking down weapons or buying them ??

Also, when I am in inventory, quests or any tab all is fine, but when I am in my perks I get stutter when moving around the mouse, all jerky and such. So, what features can I turn off and not miss to much of ? I have a Fury X if that matters. Already had to pull it down from High to Medium and then customazie it as good as I thought I could but it still stuttering in the perk section. :(
i dismantle all epics and blues as they are usually not very good and upgrade legendarys if i like there movesets etc

plus zero stuttering for me but im on a 1080 with xbox one pad.. games like this shouldn't be used with mouse keyboard just feels wrong!
I've improved my performance by doing this:

Install River Tuner Statistics Server - set it to 50fps target framerate.
Go to NVidia Control Panel and make sure Origins is using Performance Mode.
In game, set Vsync to be on. Framerate limit off.

Now I can run the game at a solid 4K 50fps with Ultra profile, but AA is set to Low.

If I don't do this, then the game will fluctuate a lot as it cannot keep a constant 60fps+ but it can at 50fps.
I'm really enjoying exploring the world, immersion is in overdrive in this one. Like the main character a lot as well.

It does feel like a greatest hits as far as 3rd person open world adventures go. It's part Far Cry, part Witcher, part AC etc. Not a bad thing but considering they had an extra year, the gameplay loops are exactly the same. I also wish these game would make the control systems more gamey instead of going for this ultra realistic animation model. There are just so many different frames of character animation moving and combat feel a mess at times. Also the happy clappy, millennial, we're all diverse together crap of the real world bits are terrible! Thankfully they seem to be pretty short.

Enjoying it overall though.
Combat is fine once get used to it.. it's very much like Witcher combat for me.. timing Parry's and keeping shield up and dodging then saving overpower for the harder mobs.. but it's also very fun playing stealthy.
Got a couple questions if you guys and gals wont mind.

All the weapon you find, is it better to break them down for resources or selling them ? Guess it depends on how expensive the resources are ? You can hunt for pelts but can you actually chop down tree's for wood ?? Or can those only be obtained from breaking down weapons or buying them ??

Also, when I am in inventory, quests or any tab all is fine, but when I am in my perks I get stutter when moving around the mouse, all jerky and such. So, what features can I turn off and not miss to much of ? I have a Fury X if that matters. Already had to pull it down from High to Medium and then customazie it as good as I thought I could but it still stuttering in the perk section. :(

Gold for me. All the materials can be obtained by hunting or in case of wood / metal raid enemies (from what I have seen so far). As soon as you get on road to Alexandra which is straight after first mission / few side missions, you pass by a big lake with ships on which is an ideal spot, use your bird to locate the res and raid away wood / metal / pelts etc. I spent few hours raiding materials, but got all of my equipment to highest level (bar chest and gauntlets which need ) so ridiculously OP lol. But main reason I say gold is, to upgrade equipment to very highest levels you need lots of Carbon which costs 3k a pop or needs to be found.
Combat is fine once get used to it.. it's very much like Witcher combat for me.. timing Parry's and keeping shield up and dodging then saving overpower for the harder mobs.. but it's also very fun playing stealthy.

I generally hated the combat in Witcher as well so going stealth as much as I can. Seems quite satisfying although the Seer skill tree seems the most fun.
Gold for me. All the materials can be obtained by hunting or in case of wood / metal raid enemies (from what I have seen so far). As soon as you get on road to Alexandra which is straight after first mission / few side missions, you pass by a big lake with ships on which is an ideal spot, use your bird to locate the res and raid away wood / metal / pelts etc. I spent few hours raiding materials, but got all of my equipment to highest level (bar chest and gauntlets which need ) so ridiculously OP lol. But main reason I say gold is, to upgrade equipment to very highest levels you need lots of Carbon which costs 3k a pop or needs to be found.

Thanks, that is really good advice, much appreciated. :)

@WildWayz I am using AMD so doubt the Nvidia Control Panel will work for me. But I did download the latest RivaTuner though.

In regards to my Abilities window, had Afterburner on and took a screeny of it when it stuttered. As you can see, GPU almost stops, RAM is almost on max (have 16MG) and FPS was down to 0. But running around or being in any other tab there is no troubles so far. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated !

Some of the almost barren deserts are huge & you wonder what you might find as you cross them, well there are mirages & ghosts!
Playing last night I was miles into the black desert when I saw a lady picking flowers, as I rode up she dissappeared in a puff of smoke!. Then a tree appeared to be on fire but also was a mirage & suddenly dissappeared
A bit further on a rider on a camel appeared and beckoned me to follow & as I got closer he also went up in a puff of smoke & reappeared further ahead, this repeated till I got fed up & returned to my original path.
a bit further on and a red cloak floated towards me up in the air which then dropped and turned into a weird body on fire which then attacked me & speared me dead in 2 seconds, I presume this was a Jinn or Ghost :eek:
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