tempted by this, the whole DRM thing, is it and the game prone to loading up certain cores to do people with higher core counts suffer less issues?
currently running a 1600x and 390 if there are known AMD issues.
I think you underestimate the lengths publishers will go to to ensure as many people part with their money as possible, regardless of the quality of the product, especially if they buy through a non refundable platform (uPlay)
On my 5960x in a majority of the game I am fine for most the part with the GPU being the limit on performance, but core usage is fairly high on a few. In the very dense city the CPU usage can be pretty high with 1 of my cores pegged near 100%. Probably normal given the amount going on in terms of NPC's and what not. my FPS drops to 40s at time in the cities, so not sure how it impacts other's, but even then its relatively playable and worth it for those few spots IMO.