Well that was a bit of a waste of an evening, that simracing.gp race was worse than a public.
Qualify 9th, a guy in front loses his wheels in front on the 3rd turn, slow to avoid going in to him, que nobody else bothering and i get mashed in the pack. On remounting i make it to the top of the mineshaft and get full punted from behind by somebody not bothering to brake.
End up trundling a lonely track for 25 minutes +3 laps down watching a chat box with nothing but arguing people banging in to each other.
A great race... said the 3 that got away and avoided the carnage. There was an active admin too:/
Qualify 9th, a guy in front loses his wheels in front on the 3rd turn, slow to avoid going in to him, que nobody else bothering and i get mashed in the pack. On remounting i make it to the top of the mineshaft and get full punted from behind by somebody not bothering to brake.
End up trundling a lonely track for 25 minutes +3 laps down watching a chat box with nothing but arguing people banging in to each other.
A great race... said the 3 that got away and avoided the carnage. There was an active admin too:/