Astro Bot | OT |

Finished this today, was fun. Now to wait for the time attack dlc.

Only slight disappointment was no ball rolling levels similar to Astro's Playroom, the ones where you rolled a ball using the touchpad. Levels where you rode the Armadillo were similar, but I really liked the touchpad ones in Playroom so was hoping for some here.
Finished today and got the platinum, a few levels were very annoying, such as some of the void levels and the space level from the crash site statue.
I give it an 8.5/10
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Just finished the game, and managed to get the platinum trophy. Didn't find the end game secret level too bad ; there were definitely harder challenge levels prior to that, imo.

edit: according to the Playstation email I finished the game in 4 hrs ... quicker than 100% of the global playerbase. Yup, I'm just that good :D (coulda sworn I took 20 hrs ... )
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Just finished the game, and managed to get the platinum trophy. Didn't find the end game secret level too bad ; there were definitely harder challenge levels prior to that, imo.

edit: according to the Playstation email I finished the game in 4 hrs ... quicker than 100% of the global playerbase. Yup, I'm just that good :D (coulda sworn I took 20 hrs ... )

Yeah I noticed my email said something like 8hrs, yet it took me about 16hrs over a week. I found that last level Grand Master challenge 5 on the crash site tricky, it wasn't hard in way of what to do, it was just so long I kept making silly mistakes.
Well it's been the weekend and I've just got the Plat for it. Absolutely fantastic bit of fun (Final level aside I never want to see that again)
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