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Asus 7990 - £399.99 pre-order. Is this for real??

Serious question. For games like Battlefield 4, would an upgrade from a 670gtx to 7990 be the better option over an upgrade to a single 290x.

Crossfire still makes me worry about the 7990 for some games and micro-stutter myths.

It's games like BF4 that you don't need to worry about mate. Big hitting titles will always support whatever you can throw at them.

The 7990 will beat the 290x by 15-30%. It'll destroy a single 670 and leave plenty of change taking on SLI 670s. I'll upload some info once my card is in (it's coming today, going from 670 SLI to 7990).
I don't think 2x 7990 will be beneficial, something to do with 4x CF drivers but I cannot recall where I read this.

Quadfire is absolutely terrible for anything other than benchmarking. In gaming it hardly ever works and when it does you have two nuclear reactors pumping out heat.

Avoid. Been there, done that.
All these deals on gfx cards are making me hungry to upgrade, like many others though i'm just undecided on what to do :D

My current motherboard has too poor a layout for xfire and my PSU could do with upgrading for the 7990/290x, need to stay stong and resist!

its basically two cards so ideally you want a i7.
Are we saying an i5 2500k @ 4.6 would bottleneck?

Not quite yet no. It sort of does in Crysis 3 and Far Cry 3. I would be concerned about the future, as both of the next gen titles being pimped want 8 cores.

Not surprising really given that the consoles run an AMD Jaguar 8 core APU.

Like a cough sweet, suck it and see :)
I got my Gigabyte 7990 last week and it's a great card, it's a long card though, in my case (BitFenix Ronin) luckily I could remove one the drive bay caddy's to get it in.
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Serious question. For games like Battlefield 4, would an upgrade from a 670gtx to 7990 be the better option over an upgrade to a single 290x.

Crossfire still makes me worry about the 7990 for some games and micro-stutter myths.

i found the stuttering is only an issue on very old games where you run at 300+ fps :D not problem here when the card is being fully worked out (BF4, boardline 2 etc) :D
Micro stutter was not a myth. It was very real and came by way of runt frames and dropped frames. Frame Pacing fixes it, but you need to wait for AMD to make a profile to stop it.
Not quite yet no. It sort of does in Crysis 3 and Far Cry 3. I would be concerned about the future, as both of the next gen titles being pimped want 8 cores.

Not surprising really given that the consoles run an AMD Jaguar 8 core APU.

Like a cough sweet, suck it and see :)

That's an upgrade for the future, not right now :)

At this price point, why is this card not all the rave then? Am I missing something here, is it just the power consumption and heat people are worried about?
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That's an upgrade for the future, not right now :)

At this price point, why is this card not all the rave then? Am I missing something hear, is it just the power consumption and heat people are worried about?

Power consumption at full load is 50w more than the 290x. So it's not terrible for power vs performance. Heat? low 80s. The noise isn't that bad either.

You do need a good case with good cooling, though.
Surely this eats the 290X though, so for a little bit more power its worth it? :D

Considering it's essentially 2 7970s yeah I think so, hence why I'm on the band wagon.

2x7970s will cost you more than that 7990, although granted will give a bit more performance and if you're going to WC, 1 card is going to be easier on the pocket than 2.
Im thinking about it, but I've really no clue what would the performance boost be if any over what I have currently, 6990+6970. :confused:

Suppose it would give my psu a break and possibly be quieter but its more the performance aspect that has me wondering, sidegrade possibly?
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