ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q 144hz 2560x1440 IPS G-Sync.

Agree. You don't have to shop here you know. There's plenty of other places too, but tbh it's right before Christmas so everyone will put price up a little.

I know that but its very convenient for me for buying and returning cause i literally live around 7miles away.

I was planning on grabbing 1 of these this incoming friday but with this price increase, might just kill my urge and just wait to see what happens with the Acer
Blimey! I thought that had to leave it at the inflated price for at least 2 weeks before advertising a "reduction". Has the law changed? Thanks for pointing this out though.
Its 28 days just checked the BIS Gov website. It needs to have been on sale for at least that time at the higher price.
I think Lord Sugar said the same in the Apprentice not so long ago.
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It was out of stock so if they have just received stock again which appears so I expect OCUK put the price up because they had to pay more for them.

Be interesting to see what manufacture date/quality they are.

I got two delivered which were from the stock that arrived on sunday. Both are october 2015 manufacture date, but are pretty much near perfect. The BLB I have on them both is in the lower right corner, but its not "bright" at all, its a very dim glow in that area, to the extent I cannot notice it on anything other than a pitch black screen, when sat at such an angle to as totally eliminate IPS glow. So, in use, not noticeable at all.

So I got one for a while ago, that is "pretty good" but not perfect. Two from now that I would consider to have no issues, although not actually perfect.
Got mine today. I am quite amazed I think its actually better than my Samsung 4k. It has zero BLB. This is my first IPS and I can see the glow bottom right a little bit and a smidgeon top left but its so black on a black screen! Did not get it from here so I got it at the lower price.

Date is October 2015. Looks like I got a good one. Just tried SW Battlefront and I can see a difference in the picture quality. I didnt expect the difference between this and the Sammy to be so dramatic.
Got mine today. I am quite amazed I think its actually better than my Samsung 4k. It has zero BLB. This is my first IPS and I can see the glow bottom right a little bit and a smidgeon top left but its so black on a black screen! Did not get it from here so I got it at the lower price.

Date is October 2015. Looks like I got a good one. Just tried SW Battlefront and I can see a difference in the picture quality. I didnt expect the difference between this and the Sammy to be so dramatic.

Congrats on stepping up from TN to IPS.:)

Now get some pics out for the lads :)
Jeez the PG27AQ (4k IPS Gyns) is same price as this now, not happy.

Its 28 days just checked the BIS Gov website. It needs to have been on sale for at least that time at the higher price.
I think Lord Sugar said the same in the Apprentice not so long ago.

I too heard this from Lord Sugar and was aware already about this law.
Surely OCUK didnt follow it? :mad:
Happy to see quite a few people on here happy with their PGs. I got an email today from the supplier I bought mine from stating there was no fault with it. This despite enormous (orange) bleed from the screen, incredibly bad uniformity (a white screen had more orange/brown/grey on it than white) and a nice piece of isolation foam just rammed into the bezel for some unknown purpose. Quality. Luckily they have some great CS staff and a chap agreed to investigate and get back to me tomorrow. Came here thinking if I got a refund I could try one from OcUK, then nearly fell off my chair when I saw the price!

Seriously. What is up with that? Are they trying to make the Acer XB270HU look like a much better deal so it goes before they start selling stock of the XB271HU?

Considering an XR34 but that too seems plagued with issues and I don't actually think it'd fit on my desk due to the depth.
Happy to see quite a few people on here happy with their PGs. I got an email today from the supplier I bought mine from stating there was no fault with it. This despite enormous (orange) bleed from the screen, incredibly bad uniformity (a white screen had more orange/brown/grey on it than white) and a nice piece of isolation foam just rammed into the bezel for some unknown purpose. Quality. Luckily they have some great CS staff and a chap agreed to investigate and get back to me tomorrow. Came here thinking if I got a refund I could try one from OcUK, then nearly fell off my chair when I saw the price!

Seriously. What is up with that? Are they trying to make the Acer XB270HU look like a much better deal so it goes before they start selling stock of the XB271HU?

Considering an XR34 but that too seems plagued with issues and I don't actually think it'd fit on my desk due to the depth.

It's called plain and simple greed, but its dressed up as supply and demand, dollar to £ conversion etc.
Should say

Used to be £729
Was £799 for 2 days
Now £779

after past experience never buying a monitor from OCUK again. In the last year bought 3 monitors (inc the PG279Q). One from OCUK was a turkey. The other two from elsewhere beautiful and cheaper.

Not massive stats I agree but makes you think. A monitor should be for life....;)

REALLY OCUK! Increase the price to £800 from £750 then 2 days after say "2% off - was £800 now £780"

BS just cause its nearing xmas :@

Just a thought when it showed £799 as the actual price was it in stock ?
Now this monitor is out for a wee while, could anyone pass comment on the IPS Swift v the TN Swift? I own the TN and it's a great monitor, but wondering if the IPS is worth the switch?
I think you would be better off sticking with the TN Swift and waiting to see what comes out next year as its probably not a big enough difference for the outlay you will have.
I think you would be better off sticking with the TN Swift and waiting to see what comes out next year as its probably not a big enough difference for the outlay you will have.


I do fancy a bit of 4K but I think less than 60fps will bug the life out of me, and a single 980Ti will struggle to go higher.

Anyway, I don't want to go off topic so cheers again.
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