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ATI/AMD's new Morphological Anti-aliasing

31 May 2007
I've found that the images stay quite sharp, your screenshot there does look quite sharp too, but there's something a little odd going on with the vents on the top left of the image.
8 Jan 2010
I'm happy with my 5850 for now. It overclocks like a dream (see sig :)) and i dont see the 68xx doing so well in that regard (in terms of %age from stock). 58xx prices must come down now, if not new then in the second hand market. When the bottom falls out of the market I might snap one up for x-fire. As nice as these 68xx are, and I'm sure the 69xx will be, I've always skipped at least one gen after making a high-end purchase.
3 Aug 2008
Bath, England
im certainly wrestling over what do with my 5870

was thinking to crossfire it but not sure now.

is it struggling with what you put it through at the moment? i'd completely skipping this generation as i spent a wad on something that i hope will still be doing ok this time next year.

I'm happy with my 5850 for now. It overclocks like a dream (see sig :)) and i dont see the 68xx doing so well in that regard (in terms of %age from stock). 58xx prices must come down now, if not new then in the second hand market. When the bottom falls out of the market I might snap one up for x-fire. As nice as these 68xx are, and I'm sure the 69xx will be, I've always skipped at least one gen after making a high-end purchase.

what voltage are you using for that clock?
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Where is this option in the CCC? I can't find it under AA options? This does work on a 5970 right with 10.10 drivers?

Edit: Nevermind, didnt see the instructions.
3 Aug 2008
Bath, England
Stuck it up to 1.2 for some furmark and crysis testing. Haven't tried to tweak it down to the limit of stability yet though, so it might go lower but probably not much. I think I got a good one :)

i'd agree - looks like you've got a fairly good card there :)

i need 1.2v for 950 on 5970+5870, but no matter what i use after that up to 1.3v it crashes...

don't really want to use more than 1.3v either
28 Oct 2005
Not posted on Graphics Cards in a while but OMFG!!!! :D :D

Just installed the patched driver and it rocks! :)

GTA IV looks so much better its just unreal with no performance hit whatsoever on the game, really impressed with it! Think I'll need to put Metro to the test and see exactly how good this is but at least GTA looks awesome now and worthwhile playing through haha!
4 Jan 2005
Some dude got it working on 4 series cards
IT WORKS!! I couldn't get vista 64 to install the modded hotfix 10.10a driver on my 2 year old windows install with a 4850 and 5850 at the same time. So I manually copied the d3d driver into the system, thanks to ze Zermans at 3dcenter forum.

1. Die .exe des Treibers entpacken (zB mit 7zip).
Extract the driver .exe (with, e.g. 7zip)
2. Die atiumdag.dl_ befindet sich nun in $_OUTDIR\Packages\Drivers\Display\W76A_INF\B107032 \ (bei Win64)
The atiumdag.dl_ is now in [given folder] (for Win64)
3. In der Eingabeaufforderung folgendes eingeben: expand atiumdag.dl_ atiumdag.dll
Enter the following in the command prompt: [the above]
4. Die expandierte atiumdag.dll nach Windows\SYSWOW64 kopieren. (vorhandene atiumdag.dll vorher sichern).
Move the expanded atiumdag.dll to [the given folder] (backup the already present atiumdag.dll before you do)

It still says gives an old driver package version and even an old d3d driver version, but MPAA works!

I also had to manually add the reg settings under these addresses:
; 5850
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Cl ass\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0002\UMD
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Vi deo\{18FCE371-129F-4A2A-9371-D4BA4071CD49}\0000\UMD
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Vi deo\{18FCE371-129F-4A2A-9371-D4BA4071CD49}\0002\UMD
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Vi deo\{18FCE371-129F-4A2A-9371-D4BA4071CD49}\0001\UMD

; 4850
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Cl ass\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0005\UMD
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Vi deo\{BD1512B5-6B3B-441F-B26B-DAC6BCA75AB0}\0000\UMD
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Vi deo\{BD1512B5-6B3B-441F-B26B-DAC6BCA75AB0}\0001\UMD

I used these settings from a couple posts above:

"AntiAliasSamples_SET"= "0,2,4,8"
"AntiAliasMapping_SET"="0(0:0,1:0) 2(0:2,1:2) 4(0:4,1:4) 8(0:8,1:8,2:16)"
4 Jan 2005
Mind you, I have no idea what he means by the third step. I can see the dl file in the folder, but what command prompt? How do I know it's been 'expanded'? It's way too vague.
17 Oct 2010
Mind you, I have no idea what he means by the third step. I can see the dl file in the folder, but what command prompt? How do I know it's been 'expanded'? It's way too vague.
Google translation:

1. The. Exe unpack the driver (eg with 7zip).
Extract the driver. Exe (with, e.g. 7zip)

2. The atiumdag.dl_ is now in $ _OUTDIR \ Packages \ Drivers \ Display \ W76A_INF \ B107032 \ (for Win64)
The atiumdag.dl_ is now in [given folder] (for Win64)

3. In the command prompt, enter: expand atiumdag.dl_ atiumdag.dll
Enter the following at the command prompt: [the above]

4. The expanded atiumdag.dll copy to Windows \ SysWOW64. (Existing secure atiumdag.dll before).

Move the expanded atiumdag.dll to [the given folder] (backup the already present atiumdag.dll before you do)
In step 3, I presume you open Command Prompt (find it in your Start Menu), navigate to that directory (in Command Prompt) and just type: expand atiumdag.dl_ atiumdag.dll
21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
Can't seem to get this new AA working at all and this is with a 6850, I've tried everything suggested here with CCC settings and still no go, thats with 10.10a hotfix. I always appear to end up with either no AA at all and jaggies everywhere, or normal AA with the accompanying performance hit.
Saying that, I've overclocked the card to the max in CCC and its running really, about as good as me old 5850, and a LOT quieter, i can't even hear it running.
I'll have another go later in the week, I'm probably doing somethoing wrong:p
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