people also forget that nobody expected a full 512 core fermi
I can recall Drunkenmaster stating that there was no way Nvidia could release a "full fat fermi" due to yield/thermal issues.
Then out of the blue, up it pops.
It seemed to catch review sites, forums, everyone by surprise, possibly even AMD.
It will more than last me in terms of performance and graphically, nothing new can be brought to the table until DX12 anyway.
What total rubbish, firstly I didn't say that, secondly it was presumed that IF they could provide it, it would be in tiny quantity, and thirdly we were talking about a GF100, show me a released 512sp GF100 and you might have a point.
Since the first respin Charlie's been saying a, I forget the name of a top layer respin, wouldn't be enough, to make real changes you need a base metal layer respin which takes a heck of a lot longer.
The 512sp Fermi didn't surprise ANYONE, what surprised people was Nvidia, out of the blue, releasing a NEW GENERATION part with new generation performance and a new generation name.
As it turns out, its only the later a new generation name for a fully enabled Fermi, delivered a full 13.5 months after they first "launched" the
512sp Fermi architecture, the only surprise there was it took them the best part of July 2009 to November 2010 to produce the chip, the first samples of "fermi" came back mid last year, and didn't work. It took them 4 attempts to get a fully yielding part.
Everyone said, including me there would be no mid life kicker(new gen, SIGNIFICANT improvement) from nvidia, most of us have been expecting the 485GTX since the 480gtx launched, though most of us expected a 8800 Ultra type few thousand GF100's, not a respin, though its not completely out the blue.
Also, don't ever use techreport as a reasonable guide to relative performance, their "round up" performance is horrific. They use a bunch of cpu limited results, and loads of resolutions that absolutely skew the results, they've removed EVERY top AMD performing benchmark and magically somehow come out with AMD results for their existing best game, Call of Juarez, that are lower than 6 months earlier and they've removed the 5970 results where they make the 480/580gtx look like a pile of overpriced crap.
Techreport are the single worst site out there at the moment, and even worse is using the all resolution round up rather than a higher end resolution, awful awful site.