Australian GP 2009 - Race 1/17 (NOT in HD BTW)

Well Vettel didn't really help himself when he started apologising. That admits fault.

IMO the incident was 50/50. Kubica made an overtaking move which was relatively high risk and Vettel in the Red Bull which was said before the race to have defective wing mirrors defended to the death.
FFS thought I missed it and stayed in bed - though with hour going forward I guess Im talking about 7.45...

Bah I hate DST when it effects first GP watching :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Right. I havent read any of the comments on here so far, but I thought it was a decent season opening race, but would've liked to see more overtaking, obviously.

J. Button - faultless drive. He outqualified his team-mate. He out raced his team-mate. He had the best car and made the best use of it. Well done. If he continues to race like this, barring any extraordinary incidents, there is no reason why he shoudnt be 2009 World Champion.

Kubica - BMW, during pre-season testing, after BrawnGP were probably the strongest team and it came as no surprise when Kubica was storming to the front. He was extremely ragged when he tried to go past Vettel, but tbh, Vettel and he were both at fault.

Vettel - drove well in qualifying and in the race until he recklessly collided with Kubica. Hopefully, he will learn from this and not make a similar mistake again.

Massa and Kimi - not much to say about these 2 drivers. I felt Massa had a weak race, however, given that he takes a few races to adjust to the new car, we can fully expect him to begin to hit the front of races as the season progresses. Kimi slammed into a wall and tbh, I think Kimi just isnt what he once was...but I never rated him too highly...but who knows.

Hamilton - I think he drove exactly like the reigning champion should. He made no errors, he overtook when he could. He kept his head while all those around him were losing theirs. He used his KERS button to great effect, especially when you consider that his car is terrible. The McLaren car certainly didnt deserve to finish 3rd.

Alonso - this race was terrible by his own high standards. He shouldve been battling with Hamilton, but instead got left behind by the Englishman.

Driver of the day: Hamilton, by a whisker (over Button).
Alonso - this race was terrible by his own high standards. He shouldve been battling with Hamilton, but instead got left behind by the Englishman.

Yup. Alonso, squeezed 5th place in the end, but started in 10th and had 5 drivers in front of him removed. So, effectively, he only managed to keep his starting slot. That's not the performance of a two time champion.
Right. I havent read any of the comments on here so far, but I thought it was a decent season opening race, but would've liked to see more overtaking, obviously.

Good summary, totally agree. I reckon that longing for more overtaking would have been there if it wasn't for the Vettel and Kubica incident as it would have been full throttle to the end. If Ferrari get a consistent package under them, I reckon we'll see close racing over the season.

What I love about this race is that the Brawn guys came out of their cars like they enjoyed themselves and even Rubens had to laugh at his own misfortunes. That's what it's all about imo. I can't stand the Kimi types who appear lifeless out of the car 80% of the time.

Buttons loyalty has certainly paid off, as well as Brawns loyalty to Barrichello. Great team mates and that radio comms between them at the end was great to here. Imagine if Hamilton and Alonso had that level of respect in 2007, that would have created a very different 07/08 and McLaren might have had some mature development from the drivers for this season which is whay I think they're lagging behind.
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rubens was surely the most entertaining driver of the day plowing through the field :D

Yeah, shows just how quick those cars are. Button lost his ~30sec lead to the safety car, lost time in the pits, Rubens had all kinds of excitement yet still they manage a 1-2. In a clean race they would likely have lapped most of the field.
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