Australian GP 2009 - Race 1/17 (NOT in HD BTW)

Just read about the 25s for Trulli.

Anybody else think it was harsh considering how bunched up they were at the finish? Why not just demote him the place he took?

Standard penalty is a drive through. Because it was after the race, they take the estimated time deficit of 25secs equivalent. The rule has no bearing on when the incident takes place. If this had happened mid race it would have been another drama if there was no punishment.

It's harsh, but very fair tbh. I'm just annoyed we haven't seen any footage of it.
Message to JRS!
We need to come up with a way of changing Ferrari International Assistance, to McLaren/Hamilton International Assistance. :rolleyes:

Well, it's not like they don't have form with Hamilton is it? I mean, they allow him to be winched back onto the track at the Nurburgring (if that ain't outside assistance, I don't know what is!), they penalise his own team-mate in favour of him in Hungary, they don't take away all his points when it's confirmed that McLaren not only illegitimately had access to Ferrari data but made use of it throughout the team as well....:)

But instead, people point to the one truly questionable penalty he got last year (that would be Spa) and say he gets a raw deal from the pro-Ferrari stewards and the pro-Ferrari FIA. Meh, whatever makes them feel better about his occasional screw-ups I guess.

Though to be perfectly fair to him, he did pretty much deserve 3rd today. As both sunama and myself have stated (with pretty much the exact same words!) he kept his head when everyone else was busy losing theirs. And like I said to a friend in the pub earlier - Alonso stayed on the road yet did very little overtaking (most of his positions gained were through strategy and people falling off the road ahead of him), Hamilton actually went out there and overtook people. I think that year at McLaren damaged Alonso, and I'm not too sure that he's recovered yet (even noting his run of form at the end of 2008). It'll be interesting to see what happens before the return to Europe - if Hamilton has anonymous runs or shockers in the rest of the flyaway races then I do wonder how he'll deal with it.
Yeah, shows just how quick those cars are. Button lost his ~30sec lead to the safety car, lost time in the pits, Rubens had all kinds of excitement yet still they manage a 1-2. In a clean race they would likely have lapped most of the field.

He lost the lead but did gain a free pitstop at the same time so evened out in the end imho.
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To all BrawnGP fans, a quick question, before BrawnGP, did you support another team or where you a neutral?

I support all the Brit teams and Brit drivers plus all the underdogs - Minardi, Tyrell etc while they existed but not Force India for some strange reason.

From before his first race in F1 I've supported Jenson, ever since I saw him dominate at Brands in Formula Fords many years now I am a Brawn GP fan. many will jump on the bandwaggon - I'm sure this is what you are alluding to. I for one will continue to support them after the hype has subsided.
I think it is terrible since Barrichello crashed into anyone he wanted and went unpunished.

The new rules this year are that if you're car is built strong enough then you crash as much as you like and so long as only light damage occurs you can continue to race and you'll get 2nd place.
Just watching the replay on BBC 1 now and thought I'd give the other audio a try (Five Live) but noticed the CBBC option... Anybody give that a go? Gave me a little chuckle :o :)

I was listening to the R5 Live commentary for a while on the reply there. David Croft and Anthony Davidson seem pretty good, Croft is certainly more exciting that Legard although I'm not warming to Holly Samos at all.
It's a tricky one now - listen to Brundle and Kravitz (both excellent IMHO) or compromise and listen to the R5 commentary? (I guess that's what the replay is for, right?) :)
BTW - you all have my support at being glory hunters or otherwise. How does it matter or why does anyone here need to justify supporting Button/Brawn etc?? Even if you started supporting them after the end of this morning's race, I for one dont care! They deserve all the support they get, because what they have done over the winter of 2008 and 2009 is simply awesome!
I feel your pain... For me Brundle is fantastic... But not as keen on Legard. Meanwhile Davidson is fantastic... Indeed Croft is quite good. Ah I don't know! Decisions... If we could have Brundle + Davidson or Brundle + Croft I'd be happy... It just doesn't feel right without Brundle (Kind of how it was without Murray initially!).

On a separate note... Are tethers on the wheels not compulsory or something? I was suprised to see Kubica's rolling away when he hit the wall towards the end...
BTW - you all have my support at being glory hunters or otherwise. How does it matter or why does anyone here need to justify supporting Button/Brawn etc?? Even if you started supporting them after the end of this morning's race, I for one dont care! They deserve all the support they get, because what they have done over the winter of 2008 and 2009 is simply awesome!

*thumbs up*
Well done to Jensen and Rubens and Brawn GP, i'm so impressed by their performance I thought i'd show them some support in my new shamelessly stolen sig. No i'm not another glory hunter jumping on the brawn bandwagon. I've been a Jensen fan since he started, and have tried to defend him when others called him a journey man. .

Oh really....

haha yeah love the Alonso comment, him and Kimi are my favourites now. I love they way they can still have a laugh, more like the drivers in days of old, not this modern P.C crud we get now..

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