
Can I put a stop to this bickering?
Babyshambles can play its just their songs are poo.
As I said above, I went to watch them in Hanley last year and I was expecting the skaghead to be all over the place but he kept it together and so did the rest of the band.
Its fair to say that I'm not into these latest kids rock/indie bands like Franz Ferdinand, Zutons, Killers ,Strokes, Kaiser Chiefs etc but I can see why they were signed.
Babyshambles are about 10 football leagues below that lot and only got a contract because of The Libertines and I couldn't see where they fit into the puzzle either.
dmpoole, would you say that bands are signed at the moment and get their records onto Radio1 due to their sound or their ability to produce good music? :)
I can't remember one of their songs, or the Libertines songs. So that means, in all my time listening to music on the radio, in pubs, bars and so on, there hasn't been one track he's had a hand in that's stuck in my mind. I can't think of many other bands where that's happened.
Lopéz said:
I can't remember one of their songs, or the Libertines songs. So that means, in all my time listening to music on the radio, in pubs, bars and so on, there hasn't been one track he's had a hand in that's stuck in my mind. I can't think of many other bands where that's happened.
Bingo. Fantastic point.

And made by a trekkie too.
Gilly said:
Bingo. Fantastic point.

And made by a trekkie too.

Err, well, I wouldn't say fantastic point. What, some people can't recall a single Pete Doherty song. Some people can. Like me. So what? :confused:

My two (or more) pennies worth: Babyshambles are not very good. Pete Doherty is fairly pathetic, cancelling gigs as he feels, getting into the headlines for all the wrong reasons, throwing his life away. He can play the guitar, he can write good songs, i.e. he has the ability, but he's not doing that. It's a shame to see kids 'looking up' to him, thinking he's cool or whatever (although I think that's worn off a little now, he's old news). I agree with Carzy in that The Libertines will always be better; Babyshambles are a mess. However, I don't think they're exactly overrated; I've not known anyone actually rate them that highly :p Over-exposed, yes, given their lack of quality. Also I agree with dmpoole in that they can play, they're just poo.

William said:
No you like their sound, that does not make them factually good muscians or songwriters however.

True. But not liking them does not make them factually bad musicians. Being a skaghead does not make him a bad songwriter/musician.
Gilly said:
Shut it, you tone deaf, know-nothing-about-music buffoon. Just in case anyone misses it, that was a joke.


(I didn't even see the part in blue until I quoted it for this post LOL)
William said:
dmpoole, would you say that bands are signed at the moment and get their records onto Radio1 due to their sound or their ability to produce good music? :)

Its a mixture of everything. Most artists I hear are talented, some are hyped to death so they have to play them and when you hear some stuff you wonder if Payola is still going on (thats when artists paid DJ's back in the 60's). Its no different to what its all been because you can't put everybody into the same basket. eg If anybody else had sung Advertising Space it would never be played because its truly awful. I've woke up twice this week to a song that is different but excellent and I think its the Artic Monkeys but the ****** never tell you who it is.
I don't think anyone has the right to tell somebody else that their taste in music is any better / worse than their own. We've all got different opinions on music, and some bands are clearly more talented than others. But if somebody's favourite band is Babyshambles, and yours is U2 or something, it makes no difference!
Doohickey said:
True. But not liking them does not make them factually bad musicians. Being a skaghead does not make him a bad songwriter/musician.

Of course not, I hope I didn't imply that: Jim Morrison took huge amounts of LSD, switched to herculean amounts of booze then unofficially died of a heroine overdose; regarded by many to be a great artist of modern times. I said that because Converse_Uprise implied that he was listening to the Libertines not because of their hype, but the huge amount of musical talent that is so obvious on Pete.D that you could scrape it off with a knife and butter your toast with it. :)

dmpoole said:
Its a mixture of everything. Most artists I hear are talented, some are hyped to death so they have to play them and when you hear some stuff you wonder if Payola is still going on (thats when artists paid DJ's back in the 60's). Its no different to what its all been because you can't put everybody into the same basket. eg If anybody else had sung Advertising Space it would never be played because its truly awful. I've woke up twice this week to a song that is different but excellent and I think its the Artic Monkeys but the ****** never tell you who it is.

Thanks for replying, I agree to an extent, the reason I asked was mainly due to a certain uncertainess in my head about this current British indie 1980s rehash period that is very popular, except that most I know who listen to it hate and don't understand Joy Division. :p
I just don't believe that the biggest proportion of musical talent solely relies in hiphop or retro-indiepostpunk rather every record company rep is on the hunt for the band with that sound because its the marketable fashion at the moment. :)

hogfather said:
I don't think anyone has the right to tell somebody else that their taste in music is any better / worse than their own. We've all got different opinions on music, and some bands are clearly more talented than others. But if somebody's favourite band is Babyshambles, and yours is U2 or something, it makes no difference!

Well this is the ocuk forums so I am afraid its written in the constitution to tell someone they are 100% wrong. ;)
I can see where you are getting from and I agree you can't in all fairness say that X is a better music to listen to because of Y because music is personal. However I think you can say that whilst you like X don't claim that they are the pinnacle of musical talent because there is always someone better. :)
William said:
However I think you can say that whilst you like X don't claim that they are the pinnacle of musical talent because there is always someone better. :)

This is an interesting issue. Whilst of course, music is very subjective and there's nothing wrong with stating an opinion concerning a band or artist you like , it's a very different issue to say that they are a 'great' artist. It's fine to say you like Shane Wayne, or whatever his name is from X-Factor, but don't say he's a more accomplished artist than Bob Dylan and not expect people to pick up on it.
Doohickey said:
Err, well, I wouldn't say fantastic point. What, some people can't recall a single Pete Doherty song. Some people can. Like me. So what? :confused:
I know music. I don't know theirs. From what I know of leon he wouldn't have posted if he didn't have an inkling about the subject he was sharing his opinion on, so what he says backs up what I'm saying.

Very forgettable music thats only 'popular' because they have a filthy skaghead frontman who is romantically involved with a filthy cokehead.

dmpoole said:
TREKKER for gods sake.

Star Trek fans are known as TREKKERS not Trekkies.
No wonder you like crap music.

Pedantic mode off.
He's not a trekker, he's new to it. He's a trekkie.

Trekkers are even worse ;)

this is going to cause controversy again but here is a picture of thursday night at rhythm factory london, absalutly rinsed it up pete looked healthy although did get a bitt annoyed when someone threw water over him.
oh and he threw he the drumstick :)

1 more think how long is the average sentence for pocessing heroin and cocaine but in small amounts
converse_uprise said:
They have been popular since before he was in the public eye mate, you don't have any evidential facts to back yourself up.
I thought Babyshambles didn't come about until after the Libertines split up? Which was after old skaghead was already acting the ****.
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