Bahrain Grand Prix 2012, Sakhir - Race 4/20

58 people in the grandstand? Thats bad.

Also, does anyone else in reponse to someone saying the the name of the local city, Manama, just have to go Do dooo do do do!

Damn you Muppets! :D
Vettel, after saying that he was very happy with the launch spec exhaust last weekend, has gone back to the new version of the exhaust.

I wonder if it was his choice or mandated from on high due to his lack of performance in China.
Vettel, after saying that he was very happy with the launch spec exhaust last weekend, has gone back to the new version of the exhaust.

I wonder if it was his choice or mandated from on high due to his lack of performance in China.

Plus if the team think the newer version is the way to go, they wouldn't want to develop two different systems all season.
Compared to Bahrain in 2011, of course not.

But all we have got from Bahrain recently is the odd act of petty violence. Certainly not the 'people being shot on a daily basis' some people are tying to claim.

Whats actually happening is people are trying to say that whats going on now is as bad as when the uprising started 12 months ago in order to try and make some point about it.

Show me 100,000 people marching on the capital and I will admit things are bad. But a picture of 3 guys burning a sign? No worse than the centre of any large UK city every Saturday night.

Its as if people want there to be big issues so they can shout about it.

I don't think it's quite as simple as you're making out.

The reason there isn't 100,000 people marching on Pearl Roundabout is that firstly; Pearl Roundabout was destroyed and replaced with heavy artillery, and secondly; there has been a year of suppression against those that would otherwise march.

I actually think the demonstrators should allow the race to continue and conduct peaceful protests – what better way to get your message heard by millions of people across the world?

The risk comes if an individual or small minority plan to get their message heard through violence and terrorism.

The boat race shows how easily a sporting even can be disrupted by a single person, imagine if that individual has a suicide vest.


Back to the race – lots of people locking up this morning.
I actually think the demonstrators should allow the race to continue and conduct peaceful protests – what better way to get your message heard by millions of people across the world?

The risk comes if an individual or small minority plan to get their message heard through violence and terrorism.

This. Exactly this. What Bahrain have is a major global event and the global media that go with it in their country. If they want to get their message accross and, more importantly, get the support of those watching, they should do as you say, organise large, but peaceful protests with clearly outlined goals.

Instead what we have at the moment is petty violence being conducted by small groups using the uprising as an excuse for it. I doubt very much that those guys burning down the F1 sign were doing it because they want more democracy in their country, they will be doing it because they felt like having a laugh and they feel they can currently get away with it.

Nothing about the 'protests' coming out of Bahrain at the moment strikes me as being organised or coherent in any way.
Dude are you serious? Did the home secretary actually ask them not to race?

The Shadow Home Secretary said on Question Time last night that she didn't think the race should go ahead.

Not sure if Teresa May has commented. I think she's got enough on her plate with Abu Qatada.
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