The idea of Pride (gay version) is to celebrate something that is traditionally vilified. It's a counter-balance to negativity, rather than an attempt at promotion over and above heterosexuality.
Black History Month is similar. A time to recognise a history that is often marginalised/ignored. Every month is White History Month, much like every day is Hetero-Pride day.
The idea of biological group pride is biological group pride. Making excuses and blaming the target group (i.e. everyone who isn't in the "right" biological group) is just being dishonest about it. That's politically useful until you have enough power to promote irrational prejudice openly without challenge, but being politically useful doesn't make it any better.
If we lived in a truly post-sexuality time, then Gay Pride would be unnecessary. Unfortunately we don't and pretending we do (as your belief seems to) is naive at best, or otherwise simply ignorant.
I don't pretend we do.
I do think we should try to move towards that rather than away from it.