Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

I can also add another thing, that being a Christian does not mean being against gay marriage. My wife is a Christian and I am sure she would have baked that cake without issues, same for some of the Christian friends we have.

Saying that, what I find more disgusting than spending taxpayers money is the fact that a charity has paid for the bakers costs plus also paid for a media campaign (including a survey, rallies, etc) to rally support. This is one of the reasons why the Church of England and all religious organisations should not be allowed to be charities, IMO.
Are we going to see an end now to the discrimination of "gay clubs"?

Have a read of the comments on that article for some real intolerance.

Whilst it would be discriminatory if they do so, I'm not especially aware of it being widespread that gay clubs turn away straights. I'm also not seeing a whole lot of intolerance in the comments section, having read through the first twenty or so - probably one objectionable post among those.
Saying that, what I find more disgusting than spending taxpayers money is the fact that a charity has paid for the bakers costs plus also paid for a media campaign (including a survey, rallies, etc) to rally support. This is one of the reasons why the Church of England and all religious organisations should not be allowed to be charities, IMO.

No it's not "disgusting" in the slightest, it's standing up for there kind which is rapidly becoming the most oppressed in the UK, if it was a Islamic bakers, who have more extreme views on Homosexuality, nobody would have touched this case with a bargepole
No it's not "disgusting" in the slightest, it's standing up for there kind which is rapidly becoming the most oppressed in the UK, if it was a Islamic bakers, who have more extreme views on Homosexuality, nobody would have touched this case with a bargepole

How on earth are Christians the most oppressed in the UK? They run 1/3 of the schools so their indoctrination must be rubbish. :)
This guy doesn't know how to run a business.

A simple "go away" quotation would have seen the end of them without any hassle.

sadly in northern Ireland folk can't just say 'no'

certain branches of Christianity in Northern Ireland feel the need to shove their rules/beliefs down everyone else's throats and woe betide if you don't kotow or bend to their wants
No it's not "disgusting" in the slightest, it's standing up for there kind which is rapidly becoming the most oppressed in the UK, if it was a Islamic bakers, who have more extreme views on Homosexuality, nobody would have touched this case with a bargepole

That argument does not follow, as I said my wife is a church going Christian and she does not have a problem with same sex marriage.

Anyway, the same ruling would apply to the hypothetic Muslim bakers.
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I admit I haven’t read all the posts. I heard the decision regarding this case on the radio and thought I’d ask posters on here to clarify a couple of points and correct any misunderstandings I have.

Same sex marriages are illegal in Northern Ireland and a baker refuses to put a logo on a cake supporting such an illegality?

He gets taken to court and the court finds against the baker?

What would happen if another guy went to the same baker and asked for a logo to be put on a cake showing an old man in a raincoat with a packet of sweets in one hand and the other hand up a child’s dress, would the be baker be right to refuse in this case? Surely paedophilia as well as same sex marriages is illegal?

What would happen if the same baker was asked to make logos for the KKK showing a black man being burnt alive, hanging in a tree etc. How about one of “Arbeit Macht Frei” showing some poor victim of the holocaust, with offensive speech balloons suggesting he deserved what punishment he was getting?

I’ll point out that I have no negative thoughts about same sex marriages. I think the English language doesn’t really cater for the correct terms in such marriages. The word partner doesn’t seem right to me and I’ve seen people on TV actually have to substantiate what they mean when they’ve said partner by saying “my business partner” “my partner in this project” etc.
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