Baldur's Gate 3

Ha! I’m going to use one of the Origin characters I think, I assume they have more storey and voice like divinity 2?
They have a full character history and some unique interactions and quests etc, one thing to bear in mind, the devs themselves say NOT to choose Dark Urge as your first playthrough, pick that one later on once you are up to speed with the game
They seem fine considering they're probably being hammered, I'm seeing 500mbit.
Yeah I was getting 6Mbps from the manchester server.

Switched to london and I'm getting

Which is okay I guess :p

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Anyone else a bit confused by the racial ability bonuses?
For example, Human's are meant to get +1 to all abilities, but that doesn't appear to be applied.
Anyone else a bit confused by the racial ability bonuses?
For example, Human's are meant to get +1 to all abilities, but that doesn't appear to be applied.
Sorry I can't find the official post but they changed this for release, all the racial stat bonuses were removed and I think everyone now gets +2 in one stat and +1 in another. All the races still get their unique skills/abilities though.
is there a way to remove the version number from the corner of the game?

The game looks and performs stunning - with 4k everything maxxed and DLAA i get between 103fps (for the first rooms) to 120fps (when you get out of the first part) with 12900k and my 4090
I did think that the reason for the ability bonuses was the balance the lack of traits and skills, eg Elves getting dark vision. Doesn’t that put humans as a disadvantage?
It was a recent change in the tabletop game, I think it was to help make all races viable for all classes. I'm not in game yet, but I agree they should at least get something to make up for that loss. Do they not get any additional weapon or armour proficiency? Seems a bit unfair.
Crashed twice in the starting area - get a line of text saying i have started a conversation (i havent) then it crashes out anyone else ?
I've gone with a Dwarf paladin called Bruenor Hammerdin. Only played an hour or so and it runs beautifully on Ultra settings. Have to leave it now but have got all day tomorrow to go at it once I leave the Mrs at the hospital.
The video settings crash every time I try to make a change if running in Vulkan mode. DX11 seems fine.
It was a recent change in the tabletop game, I think it was to help make all races viable for all classes. I'm not in game yet, but I agree they should at least get something to make up for that loss. Do they not get any additional weapon or armour proficiency? Seems a bit unfair.

They do appear to get a +25% weight allowance (useful I guess for a high Str fighter) and a couple of other minor bits. Nothing that makes me think wow.
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