For example in the prison in Moonrise. I got round the back of the cells where there are destructible walls and some weapons lay around on the floor, thought "Ha! Easy way to get the prisoners out and arm them" Blew the wall up in the gnome cell and out they came, but they then ran to the wall of the Tieflings cell, completely ignoring the weapons, and proceeded to try and punch the wall. Then out came the guards and started a fight with me so the gnomes then ran back to get the weapons and join in the fight. So I sent Gale round to blow the Tieflings wall up but they decided a better option was to run out of the now open cell and start unarmed combat with the guards.
Of course they all died while I finished off the guards. I'd seen an achievement to keep them all alive so reloaded and tried various ways of breaking them out without them dying (dropped the weapons near Tiefling cell wall then broke gnomes out first and vice versa, still ended up losing some. Killed guards first then opened the cells, they all ran Iin to the main lobby and got slaughtered. Managed to kill the guards while the gnomes broke the tieflings out with weapons I'd chucked into their cell but then when they were breaking the chains on the boat a gnome must have hit a tiefling and they started killing each other
Had a lot of fun just trying different things out to get the achievement.