BARGAIN - OcUK 24" with DVI (*VA Panel) for £179.99+VAT (This Week Only Deal!!)

9 Jan 2008
line across the screen

I just got mine on friday, my friends at work got two. theirs are good, flawless. but mine after unpacking, jeez, horizontal line across the screen in the bottom third (approx 5 pixels thick) and another one, vertical, almost invisible. funny thing is that after 1 day of use, line became only 2px thick. shame because after calibration monitor produces really good and natural colours (well, considering price) on par with displays from £400+ range, excellent viewing angles and no dead pixels (ok, i found 5 but if i didn't look for them i wouldn't notice them at all). the stand is really just a basic one but sufficient. Really shame, very good display but that line is just annoying. I am sending it back and will get something else as it seems that this batch has some faulty pieces. If you wanna get one, do it as at this price you can't buy anything else with so good picture. People complaining about backlight problems - well, i haven't seen 24" screen without this problem yet, common people, it's LCD and it works like that, there will always be some backlight issues.:cool:
8 Dec 2004
I just got mine on friday, my friends at work got two. theirs are good, flawless. but mine after unpacking, jeez, horizontal line across the screen in the bottom third (approx 5 pixels thick) and another one, vertical, almost invisible. funny thing is that after 1 day of use, line became only 2px thick. shame because after calibration monitor produces really good and natural colours (well, considering price) on par with displays from £400+ range, excellent viewing angles and no dead pixels (ok, i found 5 but if i didn't look for them i wouldn't notice them at all). the stand is really just a basic one but sufficient. Really shame, very good display but that line is just annoying. I am sending it back and will get something else as it seems that this batch has some faulty pieces. If you wanna get one, do it as at this price you can't buy anything else with so good picture. People complaining about backlight problems - well, i haven't seen 24" screen without this problem yet, common people, it's LCD and it works like that, there will always be some backlight issues.:cool:

Backlight problems do exist yes.

But not to the degree we have seen with this particular batch.

Take a look at the photos. Would you say thats purely a "backlight problem" or an actual defect.

Dont know about you but Im not to keen on having 4 white hazes hovering infront of me during a movie or game.

To me its a defect, since others users of the OCUK model who have posted their black background images show no signs of backlight bleeding whatsoever. So why should we put up with it?

Just my 2p :D
10 Nov 2007
No dead pixels on mine, backlight now ok after minor bleed first few days, however now have 2 black lines horizontally, one of which is quite thick...........will be requesting a replacement shortly
9 Jan 2008
Backlight problems do exist yes.

But not to the degree we have seen with this particular batch.

Take a look at the photos. Would you say thats purely a "backlight problem" or an actual defect.

Dont know about you but Im not to keen on having 4 white hazes hovering infront of me during a movie or game.

To me its a defect, since others users of the OCUK model who have posted their black background images show no signs of backlight bleeding whatsoever. So why should we put up with it?

Just my 2p :D

yes, but do you really expect 1st class quality for this price?
17 Dec 2004
Sure is but it isn't going to be my primary monitor. I already have a Dell 2405FPW and this will compliment it nicely. Also the Dell has a 4 year guarantee and the place I bought it from also does a Pixel Guarantee (if one pixel is dead/stuck I get a replacement). Oh and the price wasn't too much more than the OCUK at £285 delivered.

We shall see, I was just fed up of the issues with the OCUK and imo the stand was a bit cheap (the monitor wobbled something horrible even when i was typing!!).
18 Oct 2002
NW London
Sure is but it isn't going to be my primary monitor. I already have a Dell 2405FPW and this will compliment it nicely. Also the Dell has a 4 year guarantee and the place I bought it from also does a Pixel Guarantee (if one pixel is dead/stuck I get a replacement). Oh and the price wasn't too much more than the OCUK at £285 delivered.

Do let us know how it goes. Should be interesting how it compares to the OCUK value monitor.
23 Sep 2007
I got my OCuk monitor Friday and I have 1 blue pixel which Im assuming is stuck. Ill try and fix this tomorrow.

Im very happy with the monitor but takes some getting used to as Ive moved from a 17" crt to this 24". :D
25 Oct 2007
I was thinking about getting one of these to replace my pair of 16" CRT's, (they're almost as old as me ;)), as the weight from them is beginning to buckle my desk, which can't be a good thing. Do you think I should hold off buying for a while, partly to see if the price goes down any further, and partly to see if there is a bad batch at the moment, or should I just go ahead and buy it as soon as I get the money into my account?
14 Jan 2008
Have been following this thread for ages. Peoples recent experiences have put me right off this monitor.

Is anyones working ok who bought one after xmas?
9 Jan 2008
Got my second one too this morning, very impressed with customer service and the speedy delivery (although, yes, they don't seem to comprehend that you shouldn't handle a LCD monitor the same way as a sack of potatoes.)

Alright, looking through the vents the lottery ticket says:

Manufactured 06/35
M240UW01 v0

Zero dead/stuck pixels, tested with the images at everything is either perfect or close enough as makes no difference to me. Extremely happy with it so far, and with the decision to return the first "open box" one.

Now, for people who have had it for a while, is the position of the screen 100% fixed, or is there some degree of movement you can achieve with a bit of force. :)
21 May 2004
I get the impression that if I put this monitor next to the dell 24" I would not really notice any difference with picture quality?

I am so tempted to get one but like someone said earlier a few horror stories have put me off.
17 Dec 2004
Well got my Dell E248WFP today and the build quality is certainly better and it matches my existing Dell a lot better. I have no issues with the monitor wobbling when I typed like I did with the OCUK one (this I think is due to the stand on the OCUK). The colours are different on the monitors obviously but I need to keep fiddling with the RGB settings. But then even on the OCUK one the colours were different to my Dell 2405 and I expect that not being the same monitor and all. Oh and not one dead pixel :)

So with some playing I believe I am gonna be very happy with this monitor. As I said before if i need to do any photo work I can use the Dell 2405, the E248 was just so I had a second monitor so I could put my CAD program on one screen and then the 3D modelling program on the other so no more annoying program switching.
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