BARGAIN - OcUK 24" with DVI (*VA Panel) for £179.99+VAT (This Week Only Deal!!)

I was assured again this morning that although the TNs were originally mixed with the PVAs, they now have their own separate order code and all replacements will be PVAs.

Would be interesting to know if those who received TNs as replacements could double check their order and make sure it's not showing up as a TN panel on the order itself ?

On my original RMA the monitor was down to be replaced with a PVA panel, but I got another TN. Hopefully I will be sending this one back tomorrow and they told me today that they have def separated the stock. Only time will tell.
Well, I finally got an email from them this afternoon saying they were returning my monitor! :eek:

I rang up to find out if they meant sending a replacement or sending the original one back to me (turned out it was the latter). They "tested" my monitor, and said it was a VA panel. However, they failed to see that the viewing angles didn't match those that were stated on the product page. After about 20 minutes on the phone with one guy who wasn't prepared to help me in any way whatsoever, I finally managed to talk to another person called Adam who understood what I was talking about and said he'd submit another RMA report and cancel the transaction of £22.50 that they were going to charge my card (phew!).

What makes this matter even more annoying was the fact that I mentioned the viewing angles in the original webnote. I would've understood why they were going to return it had I only mentioned that I thought it was a TN panel, but the mere fact that I also said the viewing angles didn't comply with the ones stated on the product page changes the matter completely. Even if the monitor itself is a VA panel, it does not excuse the extremely poor viewing angles I experienced (which was the actual reason why I returned it in the first place). When comparing them to Gibbo's post, it is clear that either the one I received is faulty, or the quality of the panels being used are not as good. If it is the latter, then OcUK need to update the product description to more appropriate viewing angles rather than the stated 180°/180° (H/V).

Anyway, after all that, they are now recalling in the package that they were shipping out to me and will hopefully retest it once more.
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I was seriously thinking about ordering one of these, but I think I might as well just wait until they sort out the TN lottery :)

Anyone fancy doing some input lag testing in the meantime to convince me to part with my dosh? ;)
If it is the latter, then OcUK need to update the product description to more appropriate viewing angles rather than the stated 180°/180° (H/V).
A couple of things here - firstly 180 degree viewing angles are impossible since you can't see a flat sceen from a 180 degree angle :), also you need to understand that viewing angles don't mean the picture looks the same, they are the angle where the screen is x% (80-90% usually IIRC) darker than from head on. So even my two LCDs which are both S-IPS panels which have the best viewing angles you can get on LCD - they still look quite a lot darker when viewed from a wide angle, pale when viewed from way below, and orange when viewed from above. Even CRTs don't have perfect viewing angles. So you have to be realistic and also to understand what quoted viewing angle mean, but at the same time OcUK shouldn't be quoting 180/180.

However this is all irrelevant since as you said your screen didn't match the photos Gibbo posted. Btw were you able to check your panel type via the OSD while you had it?
What are people getting with a direct DGM RMA? I purchased mine a few days after they came out and have a PVA panel, but it now has an entire row of dead pixels. If I send it back to DGM am I going to get a TN back?

That's not really cricket.
What are people getting with a direct DGM RMA? I purchased mine a few days after they came out and have a PVA panel, but it now has an entire row of dead pixels. If I send it back to DGM am I going to get a TN back?

That's not really cricket.


OCCASIONALLY when viewing a webpage I get a similar line of pixels, flashing on and off, it's usually if the area of screen in question is very dark, it's very intermitent!

Did yours SUDDENLY all go dead? Or was it over time?

I'm getting really worried now that eventually I'm going to have to RMA then deal with all the tosh currently being experienced by you chaps :(
Initally it was a faint grey line, like a holding line on Trinitron CRT's is the best way to describe it, it then turned black. It's been like it for ages, but I haven't gotten around to RMAing it.
In your webnote, did you not attach links to your pics demontrating the problem?

Yep, I did. I included the link to the pictures I uploaded and a link to Gibbo's pictures too.

Here's my original webnote which I sent to them (which outlines two problems - [ 1 ] that I think it's a TN panel, and [ 2 ] the viewing angles):

Dear sir/madam,

I ordered the OcUK 24" L2442W Widescreen LCD Monitor, and have arrived at the conclusion that it's a TN panel. However, I ordered this monitor expecting that I would receive a VA panel (as described in the forum and on product page). The model is M240UW04, which matches that of a TN panel. Please refer to this post as further proof:

As you can see, viewing the monitor from a 45 degree vertical angle inverts the colours. This is not what you would expect from a VA panel (in fact, this is what it should look like: This also does not comply with the viewing angles stated on your product page: "Viewing Angle (H/V): 180°/ 180° (VA Panel)".

In the forums (from Gibbo's post:, it was stated that you will replace it at no extra charge (as the fault is on your behalf). Therefore, I am submitting this RMA enquiry so that you may send out another monitor to me and pick up the faulty one.

- [Insert full name here]
How long do OcUK typically take from receiving an RMA to sending out the replacement ?

Pick up day 1, they get it day 2, send out replacement day 3, recieve replacement day 4.

At least thats how mine went...kind of...just City Link messed up the delivery.
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