A2Z, if you go to http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/ you will find a very good description of the screen types.
Fatzer, I RMAed my screen which was collected by City Link on Monday. I got an email tonight to say they were sending a replacement when available under a new order number. I'm happy with that. Mind when is another question so I shall just keep checking my account. I suspect an email will come out when the thing is dispatched so watch out for that.
My RMA screen still shows not received but I don't think we need worry on those grounds. I got the job number when the monitor was collected and tracked to OCUK on Tuesday lunchtime.
Mine went exactly as above - at 5pm today got an email saying a replacement would be sent out. I assumed this meant it was dispatched - will I be receiving a separate email to tell me that ?
I simply need to know when to be here to receive the monitor so I can be here to sign for it.... Is that asking too much (?!)