BARGAIN - OcUK 24" with DVI (*VA Panel) for £179.99+VAT (This Week Only Deal!!)

A bit 90's, do you not think? :p

Also, I'm totally surprised he used it, especially looking at the rest of his stuff. :)

I see. :)

Lol. Well what else can he use :P ?

Actually Im using the same cable.

Infact, are we getting the full benefit of the panel with the cable thats supplied with the panel? I remember there were different types of cables e.g. DVI-D or wotnot.
I intend to use my current, black, DVI cable. :p

Partly because it may or may not be cable tied to the rest of the cables though. :p

Lol before this monitor I had a CRT (SVGA) cable.
Its still behind the desk :D Cant be bothered to untangle it lol.

(Actually I will be using it with the docking station for my laptop).

WotDa could you do us a favour and make yer background completely white. And just take a look to see if there is any shadowing or dithering on the right side of the screen?
Could someone clear something up for me plz. Went to oc's 2day and picked up one of these screens and a gtx to go with it (nice upgrade from the gts 320mb), got it home about an hour ago, well chuffed, no dead pixels, clear etc.. When I turn the puta on and bios loads up etc, the screen is way to big, its streched to big.. I cant see around the borders.. Now having to reinstall xp, and not being able to see the text at the bottom of the installation screen is annoying.. I've clicked the A button, but nothings happening.. I'm using a Dvi output.

Thanks for helping if you do.
Could someone clear something up for me plz. Went to oc's 2day and picked up one of these screens and a gtx to go with it (nice upgrade from the gts 320mb), got it home about an hour ago, well chuffed, no dead pixels, clear etc.. When I turn the puta on and bios loads up etc, the screen is way to big, its streched to big.. I cant see around the borders.. Now having to reinstall xp, and not being able to see the text at the bottom of the installation screen is annoying.. I've clicked the A button, but nothings happening.. I'm using a Dvi output.

Thanks for helping if you do.

Have you tried the button that automatically resizes the screen?
Im presuming you mean the 'A' button? Yes i've pressed it but nothing happens.
However if I click 'M' to enter the menu, the press 'A' , 'A' acts as moving back in the menu, while, 'M' acts as moving forward, '-- and '+' to switch between.

So the 'A' button works for that purpose, but isn't resizing the screen. I've not loaded up windows yet as it's installing as I type (using laptop) ..
Ahh, i'm now in windows.. Screens corrected itself. Mmm..

Why isn't the auto button working for its purpose.. The manual says it's a hot key.
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No it hasn't its gone back to being large again.. Waaa.. When i mentioned that it corrected itself, this was while chkdsk loaded up.

I'm about to install Vista, is there any way around my problem?

Btw, the resolution in the osd, shows the screen to be at 720P.

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Dont suppose you got a SVGA/DVI adaptor that you could stick onto your SVGA cable and then connect up using DVI ports? Just to see if its the cable?

I'm using a Dvi to Vga connector at the moment. So it's outputtin from the 8800gts Dvi port, thru the Dvi - Vga connector plug, into the Lcd through the Vga lead. And it's alligned.

But when using the Dvi to Dvi it's too big.
Have you got windows installed now fluidz?

Have you actually set a decent sized res in display properties --> settings?
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