BARGAIN - OcUK 24" with DVI (*VA Panel) for £179.99+VAT (This Week Only Deal!!)

Here ya go...DPB :)

Yeah, I saw that pic, I am just wanting to see as many examples as possible, before making the final decision:)


Line is the minimized taskbar.
Mine is here :D:D:D

Although not officially mine until tomorrow, i convinced the boss that i had to check it for damage etc..:p

First things first, not as cheap looking as i expected. In fact, not bad at all.

Second. No dead pixels that i can see. As i can`t see any, i aint going looking for them.

Third. Backlight bleed seems almost non existant. Will be able to test better at home.


At work i have a Dell 1908FP running on a FX5200 :eek:

I use the DVI connection without problems. When i hook up the OcUK via DVI, the screen flickers really badly, rendering most of windows un-readable. Bios and windows loading screen works fine over DVI, just windows itself thats borked.

Monitor works fine through VGA though. Really impressed.

Is it a combination of card/monitor causing the problem over DVI?

I seem to remember someone earlier in the thread having a similar problem, but i have not got time to go back through the thread Atm. Any ideas?
That DVI issue is worrying....It may be the card is suppose. I'll check mine tonight and report back straight away. I have to install the new GTS though, then hook this badboy up :) - Fingers crossed I've got no dead pixels like you!
Little update after having a think.

Its a dell FX 5200 128mb, so that could be the issue. I could not imagine 1900 x 1200 being much use over DVI when this card was released.

As the bois and windows loading screen display correctly, I have to assume that only higher resolutions are causing the problem. Surely if the DVI side of the monitor was broken, it would affect every picture, not just windows.

Fingers crossed.
Little update after having a think.

Its a dell FX 5200 128mb, so that could be the issue. I could not imagine 1900 x 1200 being much use over DVI when this card was released.

As the bois and windows loading screen display correctly, I have to assume that only higher resolutions are causing the problem. Surely if the DVI side of the monitor was broken, it would affect every picture, not just windows.

Fingers crossed.

Sounds plausable, ive got an old GF 4200 based rig lying around, i might try it on that later.

I have been told i can take it home tonight. :D

Will report back later.

** edit **
Panic over. Works flawlessly on my 8800GT. Will post pics etc.. when i get chance.
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Well mine came this morning at 8:30 ordered it from the other side of the world and was dropped off at my UK address, pitty it will be 6 months b4 I get to play with it. but at least my family back home will now have a nice sexy screen. Now lets hope there are no dead pixels as I am sure my family if they see them they will just think they are pretty and meant to be there.

Well, I have to be honest, I am more than happy with this monitor. Build quality is fine. We all know the stand is pap, but i have it on a solid desk so its no problem.

I have rambled on many times about my worries moving from CRT. They were unfounded. Yes, i can see some slight motion blur, but i am already getting used to it. Its the image quality that really has surprised me. Its awesome.
I have no backlight bleed, no dead pixels(at least i can`t see any, so thats good enough for me) and the extra real estate is fantastic.

I had a feeling that the text may be a little on the small size @ 1900 x 1200 and so it proved. However, changing the dpi setting has soon sorted that.

Gaming wise, Virtua Tennis 3 has never looked so good. At 1900 x 1200 it looks superb, but, you would be hard pressed to see any real difference at 1680 x1050.

Pro Evo 2008 may look good, but i need to mod it first to support 16:10 (How stupid are Konami?)

Crysis looks awesome at full res, with very little difference right down to 1440 x 900. Toca Race Driver 3 also looks superb.

With Crysis(Full Game), DiRT and Sega Rally all arriving via santa, things are looking good.

For those that are intested, Nvidia control panel does the scaling fine over DVI. Either stretched or 1:1 with borders.

Well impressed. :)

Thanks OcUK. ;)
So far my impressions of this screen are very good...

The viewing angle is awesome
There are 0 dead/stuck pixels
There is no smearing/ghosting when playing Crysis.
No noticable backlight bleed
Surprisingly light in weight!

The blue power led is brighter than the sun
No hight adjustment
Quite 'chunky'
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