BARGAIN - OcUK 24" with DVI (*VA Panel) for £179.99+VAT (This Week Only Deal!!)

The banding effect (second row should ideally not have any steps)
Both rows are gray in reality(on the monitor). The slight color shifts are due to my camera/compression.
The issue here is just regarding the vertical bands in the second row. They are not ccd artefacts


I know this is a shot from my Hyundai W241 PVA, but i adjusted contrast to get a smooth gradient if you want to give that a go

So we've got a panel lottery going on here too now? :confused:
Seriously fed up of this lucky-dip crap, I researched different monitors for months and had much difficulty making a decision due to all the stuff I read about different panels in monitors such as the popular Samsungs. After reading 50 pages of this thread with nothing but good comments I thought I had made the most educated decision ever and yet it seems I still ended up with a trash panel. Don't understand how the manufacturers can get away with this garbage, if something is sold under one name surely they should be made up of the same parts? Am gutted and not looking forward to my next dice-roll...

I know that Gibbo contacted Digimate over the panels and from what I remember they said that each batch would use the same panel but batch to batch they could not say if the panels used would be identical as there may not be exactly the same panel available at a later date.

I think that all TFT's are a bit of a gamble generally. With CRT usually it either works or it doesn't (within limits) but with TFT there seem to be "levels" of working, mainly due to the interaction between the active panel, the backlight and the control electronics used.

From what I've read a lot of the "quality" 24" monitors are using the same panels as the OC 24", the differences are probably in the control gear used and maybe the quality control levels applied. I know where I work different customers have different levels of acceptability when it comes to product quality (especially PSA :rolleyes:). The quality of the panels though "should" be of a level acceptable to AUO as they supply a lot of panels to different manufacturers so there should be a base line quality level.

I've got no problems with my panel and there have been a lot of posts again by people who are happy with a sprinkling of people with problems (pixels, lines, banding, backlight etc) but you'll find most of these issues on any TFT thread you read, I think it's the nature of the technology that it gives rise to certain problems.

I think that if you want a perfect screen you've either got to pay though the nose for it (as the manufacturer will probably cherry pick batches of screens) or if going for a lower priced screen you need to physically check the monitor yourself before buying.

If the manufacturers are sending out thousands of monitors and only a few are returned then they'll believe that they have the right quality/cost ratio, if everyone who bought a TFT that was not 100% perfect returned it then we would probably see overall quality improve as the manufacturers would not sell anything unless it was perfect. As consumers though we've decided that certain things are acceptable if the price reflects the levels of quality we receive, probably not right but that's how it is.

Long post sorry :rolleyes::D
... if everyone who bought a TFT that was not 100% perfect returned it then we would probably see overall quality improve as the manufacturers would not sell anything unless it was perfect.

If this did happen, we would also see the costs of these items rise substantially. Of course, for this extra cost, we would receive near identical, perfect LCD monitors, with very few complaints about dead pixels, etc.

People forget that the costs of LCD monitors is cheap in comparison to CRT. CRT prices have dropped now, but in their prime (say 6yrs back), a top of the range large screen monitor would cost around £600. I bought my Sony 19" CRT for £450 and that was after a lot of shopping around, on top of which this was not Sony's best 19" CRT. In 2007, I have bought a 24" LCD for £260.

The advantage of the CRT in days gone by is that you can guarantee that you were getting a perfect screen. With LCD, like DavidS said, the screen might not be perfect, but you accept that because you havent had to pay £500 for it.
I know this is a shot from my Hyundai W241 PVA, but i adjusted contrast to get a smooth gradient if you want to give that a go

I already tried to play with LCD brightness/contrast or nv br/ctr/gamma,
the banding is still there (just shifted a bit the gray level left or right. :)

From seeing your image on a Dell 2005FPW, it looks like your color gradients are better.

However, as far as I can see you are missing some shadow details.
Do you see the difference between 0% and 3% bars directly on your LCD?

Seeing a picture of a problem on a already problematic monitor might only make it worse ;)
I already tried to play with LCD brightness/contrast or nv br/ctr/gamma,
the banding is still there (just shifted a bit the gray level left or right. :)

From seeing your image on a Dell 2005FPW, it looks like your color gradients are better.

However, as far as I can see you are missing some shadow details.
Do you see the difference between 0% and 3% bars directly on your LCD?

Seeing a picture of a problem on a already problematic monitor might only make it worse ;)

Hi bud,

Its the camera thats loosing the detail, i calabrated with Digital Video Essentials, and also used Enzo Monitor wizard to finalise.

My screen does suffer from backlight bleed though so its in no way perfect
I know that Gibbo contacted Digimate over the panels and from what I remember they said that each batch would use the same panel but batch to batch they could not say if the panels used would be identical as there may not be exactly the same panel available at a later date.

Ok, but Gibbo wrote this on Sunday 16th, just a day or two before some people started recieving monitors with backlight problems and now seems some of these were actually different panels.

When I spoke to DGM they said they do use upto 3 different panels and other similar models could use a different panel again.

Thats why OcUK took all the DGM stock they had as they guaranteed us they were all of the same batch with same panel, hence why we have plenty in stock as we did not want to risk getting none VA panels or an inferior one so were now stocked up heavily on these so we can ensure that OcUK customers get a good quality panel. :)

So did the original good batch run out? That post seemed to imply the first batch of monitors was still in good supply..
Does you eyes it! Just checked against every colour, and on black I think Ive got what looks like a clear pixel (maybe dead) as I can only see it when Ive got a black screen.

Any ideas peeps?

My one had a single (clear) type dead pixel, lower right hand side, but that didn't bother me, the backlight uniformity did though so refund it was !
From seeing your image on a Dell 2005FPW, it looks like your color gradients are better.

You need to see the same gradient on each as I've tried a few now and some are dead smooth and others show slight banding (the tftcentral one).

But reading the TFTcentral atricle the banding isn't a fault as such it's a feature of either 8bit or 6bit panels and how they cope with gradients.
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So did the original good batch run out? That post seemed to imply the first batch of monitors was still in good supply..

No idea how many have sold but IIRC Gibbo did say he would ammend the descriptions if a different panel was used but he probably meant non VA rather than different VA as Digimate would not be tied down on what panel they were using at that point.
You need to see the same gradient on each as I've tried a few now and some are dead smooth and others show slight banding (the tftcentral one).

But reading the TFTcentral atricle the banding isn't a fault as such it's a feature of either 8bit or 6bit panels and how they cope with gradients.

I have not claimed that my monitor is faulty! only that it seems to be a different pannel and in particular very likely a worse panel that the panel received by the first guys that have given rave reviews.

Thus, it is not technically broken but it is not what I intended to buy.
Instead of an advertised 500nits 1000:1 contrast (likely 8 bit) VA panel.
It seems I GOT a 300nits 800:1 contrast (possibly 6bit) (still possibly VA) panel.

I can live without HDCP, usb 1:1 monitor maping, but if I also receive a lower quality panel than expected then ...

Therefore I am considering returning it.

For most people, this V3 panel is still a great panel but not necessarily for me.
You can get still much worse panels than this. Have I mentioned that I have no dead pixels and the colors are (mostly) vivid after a bit of tweaking. ;)

Anyway I do not want to transform this post into pointing fingers but more into a heads up of what you might get.

Also the tftcentral article should give people a better understanding of techology state.

More exactly, not all TNs are bad, some can have quite an wide viewing angle and 8bit depth.
Also Not all VA are good or "must be" 8bit.

Bottom line:
I would not mind getting the V0 version instead of an advertised V3, but I do kind of mind getting a V3 for an advertised V0
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Thanks for the help and suggestions :)

I will get the monitor out later on and give it a try. Im not too bothered about one dead pixel because it can only be seen on a white background but after speaking to a friend he convinced me to send it back. Its because I will be keeping this monitor for atleast 3 years and want it to be perfect.

Anyway, I will try and sort out the problem :)

Thank you :)
Its because I will be keeping this monitor for atleast 3 years and want it to be perfect.

That's why I'm not happy with mine, but I wouldn't say I want it be perfect.. just something I can live with, but I don't think I'll be able to put up with this messed up backlight.

Really want to get home from work so can find out what panel mine is, might find a trend.
Bit confused here!

What are the panels' model numbers and versions which have issues and which seem to be OK? Getting mine on Monday and i need to know what to look out for.


From what we know so far it's a mix (i.e. all the reported panels) but we have only a very few people who have posted up panel idents.

There are no more issues with this monitor than with any other and I don't think we'll see a trend with any particular panel id.
Is there no way, other than using an external scaler of some description, to force it to maintain the source aspect ratio? With all the talk concentrating specifically on 1:1 mapping I just assumed it would have this (much more useful) feature. Instead, it seems to expand everything to fill the screen, which means that the X360 is way out of ratio unless set to 1280x768 where it's merely a little out and presumably crops the sides in most games.

Got to send mine back as it developed the solid line of dead pixels after about 10 hours of use, and debating whether to get it replaced or wait for more fully-featured screens to come down in price.

Mine's another M240UW01 V0 incidentally, and apart from one fairly prominent blue stuck pixel I was very impressed with the panel itself until the line appeared.
hmm this is interesting...

just checked and mines a v3 . .

a few nights ago i actually also accidentally noticed the back light thing, in the top left corner

i cant remember how though lol, does the whole room need to be dark? and is it just when its in standby, not turned off? cant see anything now, but its too bright in my room, will check tonight. viewing angles are fine though, very good

also coupled with the fact ive got about 5-8 'stuck' pixels, ie. they are white in black background, seem fine in other colours, havent had a chance to try get them 'unstuck', im tempted to return it and get another one...see if its any better....
Will check my version etc and carry out some checks/tests tonight, may run a dead pixel test too although initial observations are that all seemed ok, hope to post later tonight, may adjust brightness, contrast and colour too
hmm this is interesting...

just checked and mines a v3 . .

a few nights ago i actually also accidentally noticed the back light thing, in the top left corner

i cant remember how though lol, does the whole room need to be dark? and is it just when its in standby, not turned off?

If it's anything like mine it should be noticeable even in a light room, and most visible on a black background.

There won't be any backlight at all if it is off! :p (problem solved!)
Will check my version etc and carry out some checks/tests tonight, may run a dead pixel test too although initial observations are that all seemed ok, hope to post later tonight, may adjust brightness, contrast and colour too

Same....I'm worried now :eek: - I'll have a look and come back if there are any issues
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