You need to see the same gradient on each as I've tried a few now and some are dead smooth and others show slight banding (the tftcentral one).
But reading the TFTcentral atricle the banding isn't a fault as such it's a feature of either 8bit or 6bit panels and how they cope with gradients.
I have not claimed that my monitor is faulty! only that it seems to be a different pannel and in particular very likely a worse panel that the panel received by the first guys that have given rave reviews.
Thus, it is not technically broken but it is not what I intended to buy.
Instead of an advertised 500nits 1000:1 contrast (likely 8 bit) VA panel.
It seems I GOT a 300nits 800:1 contrast (possibly 6bit) (still possibly VA) panel.
I can live without HDCP, usb 1:1 monitor maping, but if I also receive a lower quality panel than expected then ...
Therefore I am considering returning it.
For most people, this V3 panel is still a great panel but not necessarily for me.
You can get still much worse panels than this. Have I mentioned that I have no dead pixels and the colors are (mostly) vivid after a bit of tweaking.
Anyway I do not want to transform this post into pointing fingers but more into a heads up of what you might get.
Also the tftcentral article should give people a better understanding of techology state.
More exactly, not all TNs are bad, some can have quite an wide viewing angle and 8bit depth.
Also Not all VA are good or "must be" 8bit.
Bottom line:
I would not mind getting the V0 version instead of an advertised V3, but I do kind of mind getting a V3 for an advertised V0