Baroness Thatcher has died.

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No, because the likely outcome is the money would've

a). been squandered and leave a load of destitute pensioners thirty years down the line, more dependent upon the state pension, or
b). been put into cash, been ravaged by inflation and leave a load of destitute pensioners thirty years down the line, more dependent upon the state pension.

Taking money from pensions before maturity is nothing short of theft and is financially irresponsible.

Good, bad or indifferent her actions put this county on a course where virtually all the countries wealth was generated and channeled through London.

British industry was poorly managed but that was not the workings mans fault.
The mass closures, privitisations and hording of national wealth is unforgivable, and the negative effects are still being felt to this day...#financial meltdown that tax payers had to fix

And all you tubes getting weapy eyed and patriotic over the Falklands.....they clearly belong to ARGENTINA.

Is it coincidence that we gave Hong Kong back to China....must've wanted to keep China on our good side...but were obviously not scared or bothered about Argentina enough to give them those baron lumps of rock back

and P.S @ Theophany I did notice the edit where you removed that fact that you work for "one of the world largest pension fund yada yada yada type companies"

I'm not saying that you persoanlly aren't good at you job but organizations like yours have caused more hard times than miners ever did
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I'm not as glad as I thought I would be..

She was pure evil, no doubt about that.
My dad and I always said that when she died we would have a celebration.

My dad past away 5 years ago. I feel relieved she has gone now, not celebratory.

A sad day for Great Britain.
Lady Thatcher was the greatest prime minister we've had since Sir Winston Churchill. She made Britain what it is today and turned us in to a powerhouse of the financial and services industries.
Without her hard stance and breaking the backs of the unions, the country would have gone bankrupt.
Tough if you were one of those miners or other manufacturing professionals who were hit hard, but necessary.

Well said, I couldn't agree more. I wish Cameron had some of her backbone, he's just a wimp blown every which way and lets himself and his party be walked all over by Labour scum. Pathetic.
Thatcher said:
We English, who are a marvellous people, are really very generous to Scotland - 1990

BBC said:




Cheers. We really appreciated your benevolence.
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I can buy better TV's from China at a fraction of the cost it would be to develop and manufacture it in the UK....does that make it right????

wait..what? of course it makes it right :confused: and im pretty sure 100% of the UK does it.. are there any TVs made in the UK?

what a confusing post.
Good, bad or indifferent her actions put this county on a course where virtually all the countries wealth was generated and channeled through London.

British industry was poorly managed but that was not the workings mans fault.
The mass closures, privitisations and hording of national wealth is unforgivable, and the negative effects are still being felt to this day

And that's a valid opinion to hold, but your earlier point was total claptrap. :)

As somebody who works for a very large investment institution in London I agree that the dependency upon London as a wealth generation centre for the entire country is unsustainable in the long run and I do lament the decline of British industry very much. It's a sad state of affairs that we manufacture very little these days.
She was pure evil, no doubt about that.
My dad and I always said that when she died we would have a celebration.

My dad past away 5 years ago. I feel relieved she has gone now, not celebratory.

I think you need to revise your idea of evil. You have lived a VERY sheltered life if you really think she comes close to evil..
When you buy something online, do you go for the cheapest price or the dearest? :rolleyes:

If you think the mines should have stayed open when they were costing this country a fortune you are a fool!

You are a fool if you think the mines were costing the country a fortune, that regime killed my town and lots of others, peoples lives just ruined for a spurious appraisal and short termism, seriously do you think it is even possible to evaluate if indeed the mines/coal were uneconomic when they were underinvested and were clearly targeted by the government.Then we had the 'dash for gas' and where are we now?, gas is shockingly expensive and the supply is a disaster............. and here's the thing, capitalism just doesn't work, its human greed and I don't believe the utter claptrap that the market dictates all and must be correct, if it were then there would be no banks and we would have strung up all the greedy shysters.
I don't wish ill on anyone... but I can't see there being many condolences from the people from the surrounding areas, her decisions negatively affected so many people.
Do you even know what my personal opinions are?

I wasnt referring to you alone

Originally Posted by Rilot
A sad day for Great Britain.
Lady Thatcher was the greatest prime minister we've had since Sir Winston Churchill. She made Britain what it is today and turned us in to a powerhouse of the financial and services industries.
Without her hard stance and breaking the backs of the unions, the country would have gone bankrupt.
Tough if you were one of those miners or other manufacturing professionals who were hit hard, but necessary.

I think its pretty clear
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