Man of Honour
Ultra Conservative attitude?
Lol. She was liberal compared to the average untra conservative politician.
In American terms certainly she's almost a cuddly socialist type compared to some of their more extreme conservative politicians but in a British context she was quite conservative.
While what you say is true, it is probably worth adding the context that Tony blair never equalled thatchers best result, and the falloff in support over the three elections was much more dramatic, culminating in a win of 35% in 2005 (lower than the conservative vote in 2010 and acheiving a majority through a biased system).
Put in context, the information provided above looks a lot less damning.PHP:
Different timeframes though so it's somewhat difficult to compare fairly I'd have thought i.e. if Mrs Thatcher had been running for PM in the late 90s would there still have been such large levels of voter apathy? I think you could probably present a case that disengagement from the political process and disaffection with politicians would mean that any leader would struggle to get electoral turnouts approaching/above 70% again although we do appear to be on a bit of an upswing for the past few elections. Correspondingly in absolute terms the amount voting for any one party is also likely to be lower unless they somehow manage to swing a huge majority.