blend is good for testing overall system stability but to make sure you want to run a good few hours of Small FFTs as well.. this will really stress the CPU and will load it to the max, you will note that your temps will be high on a small FFTs run as well..
But overclock looks good
If your feeling brave you might consider looking at the base of your heatsink / the surface of the CPU as you have some variance in coretemps there.. a bit of lapping would probably see 45/46c across the board and give you some more headroom..
Glad you found the guide usefull feel free to post about anything you think needs more explaining etc..
I did notice that my temps are running cooler now, 51,52,47,47. was going to post about it but thanks for the answer.
as for lapping, i might do that in the future, but i only really ever wonted 3GHz at temps less the 55C. but I am feeling hungry for more now.
also I'm noticing my clock and my FSB are varying by about 0.5MHz is this normal?