Basic Guide For Overclocking Q6600 on Asus P5K-E (and similar) Motherboards

Apart from, my system seems stable at 3.4.

I've also lapped my Tuniq Tower and temps have reduced a little.

I didn't do the processor as i need the warranty for now just in case of the above issue. I assembled everything and used mx-2 TIM

My temps have dropped to around 59-60 on full load from 65 which is okay.

Using core temp, all my core temps are nearly the same so i don't think my cpu needs lapping. Each of the core temps are only out by around one or two degree's.

I may in the future once i know my system is 100% perfect think about lapping my cpu and maybe getting the mirror finish on both the Tuinq and Cpu ;-).

I was hoping for the temps to drop more so i can increase the vcore and fsb and may be get 3.6 but i'm guessing now my cpu is not a very good overclocker. VID = 1.3123v which is one of the highest. :-(

I could get a just a bit lower temp if i increase all the fan speeds. All Case fans are set to M and Tuniq is set to half. Thats my balance between temps and noise.

Idle temps are around 37-38. Room temp is also warm for me, but hot for others.
Hi guys,

I'm stuck at 3.5 (440 * 8) and would like to go further. I don't have too much headroom with my temps but looking at my bios settings, is there anything you would change? I've tried 400 * 9 under 1.45 Vcore to no avail :(

As you can see, i'm starting to get a little high temperture wise :mad: Perhaps i could try reseating my HS and also updating to the 0603 bios.

Is there anything obvious within the below screenshots that will be holding me back?

NOTE: CPU Voltage is now 1.45.

All comments suggestions welcome :)
I could be missing something ive only read a couple of post, Is there a reason why you only have a multi of 8 instead of 9 those volts do look a little high for your overclock,but then i have the P5E board and maybe differant i get 3.6 with a 9 mutli and Vcore of 1.42 in cpuz
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I could be missing something ive only read a couple of post, Is there a reason why you only have a multi of 8 instead of 9 those volts do look a little high for your overclock,but then i have the P5E board and maybe differant i get 3.6 with a 9 mutli and Vcore of 1.42 in cpuz

Thanks for your reply. I'm using 8 X multi as i can push the chip further. 9 * 400 fails very quickly. I can get 3.6 using an 8 multiplier but its not prime stable. Any thoughts?
Thanks a lot, great guide;)

i have the P5K-E and the Q6600, so this review will be a great help when i come to do my first overclock:) (when i get my new cooler)

Marvellous guide!

Just started to overclock my new pc after having some issues intially with it randomly freezing... Bad times.

Current settings!

Q6600 @ 3200mhz 8x multi 1.375v VID 1.325v
FSB @ 400mhz
RAM @ 1003mhz

temps after 15 mins Load 50c 51c 47c 48c
Idle 27c 27c 26c 24c
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Quick question! On the Intel spec for the q6600 it has thermal specification at 62.5c does this mean the max core temps or the temp on the chip?

Like asus probe tells me the chip is 16c when the cores are 27c 27c 26c 24c

I only use core temp and i personally stop at 70. You could probably get away with < 80. You vid is higher than mine which means you will probably need to push your chip hard to get 3.6. For example i need 1.45 to get 440 * 8.
Hi everyone....I have the Asus P5W DH Deluxe board and a Q6600 G0 cpu with 2gb dual ocz platinum 6400,would i be ok to follow this guide also,a great step by step guide by the way which will help many novice overclockers im sure.:)
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