game of the year so far for me
Mark1989 I feel your pain on that bit lol. Took me 3 times to get my head together and do it. The 3rd time was easy though.
Yeah I've got 3 upgrades to get. Not sure how much use they will be though with no bad guys.
Same position, from the description of some of the upgrades, they sound like they are useful for the challenge rooms and stuff. Certain ones I cannot think of any specific use they could have been in the game (Like the one that lets you detonate the Explosive Gel individually).
You can use that upgrade to set up a trap, say you lay 1 down near a ladder, then the others on the approach to that ladder, you could detonate that 1 when someone passes and when the others run towards that you could detonate the others, of there are certain weak walls,floors that be used to set up traps, so you would set 1 off to make them run to see what happened then detonate the weak walls/floors when they pass them.
Does this game give anyone else motion sickness? I've just had 20 mins or so on the game and had to come off it as I felt pretty grotty