Batman Arkham City - Thread

Need some help.

I cant for the life of me figure out how to do the aerial attack which is needed when taking on the dudes with the riot shields??

I've tried the electrical charge, the reverse bataran, but no joy....

How do I do the areal attack?
Need some help.

I cant for the life of me figure out how to do the aerial attack which is needed when taking on the dudes with the riot shields??

I've tried the electrical charge, the reverse bataran, but no joy....

How do I do the areal attack?

Stun then run, run.

Default on PC is middle mouse button then space x2
Completed the story over the weekend... great game, probably even better than the AA. Have completed all of the main sidequests (other than the riddler one's)

Is the + mode a big difference?
Yeah it is more challenging without a doubt.

Essentially you replay the game again (main storyline and side missions) but with all your gadgets and you don't have any counter attack markers and the game difficulty is max (you encounter more variety of enemies from the start and there are more [IIRC] as well as being tougher/quicker) :D :p
god this is anoying cant for the life of me figure how to play this damn game it just freezes everytime i try to play it :mad: i bought it on gamefly done the update through windows live uninstalled it twice and still no joy changed every setting too any ideas ? im on win 7 64bit
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I just 'completed' this game.

Except after the credits there seems to be a whole story line around the Cat woman?

Whats all that about?


As for the game.... I think AA was better. There weren't enough boss fights in this one, and the boss fights where to easy.
I just 'completed' this game.

Except after the credits there seems to be a whole story line around the Cat woman?

Whats all that about?


As for the game.... I think AA was better. There weren't enough boss fights in this one, and the boss fights where to easy.
Finish the catwoman missions (you get different ingame locations to visit) then you can free roam forever to get the collectibles you might have missed. If you now start New Game+ its another savefile so anything done on your first savefile is still retained.

I agree BAA was much better BAC is too many (852 with all DLC)combat/challenge missions as they obviously decided to concentrate on that as its cheaper to develop IMO!
Really enjoyed this game. Not played for a few months now. But once this crappy uni work is done, I can then get it properly completed by finding all the collectables!
AA was a great game but i think i actually preferred AC.. its a true film sequel... everything has to be bigger and whats strange is i actually feel this game pulls it off! I am a big fan of the open ended element, i would quite happily buy any story add-ons they would throw at me... the combat challenges are fun as the fight animations are so flawlessly perfect that its really fun to be fighting 40 people like a total badass :D
Slight bump, but the DLC is on offer on Steam and I was wondering - is any of it worth picking up?
All is worth buying if you like predator/combat challenges the DLC takes it up to 852 challenges you get some new challenge maps as well (I think an extra 5 if you buy all DLC) so the only way to see all content is to buy all DLC (and there is 1 final DLC pack coming end of May to console no current date on PC its all TBA so perhaps late June early July but Rocksteady's PC track record with this game is pretty poor :().

If you have liked BAC so far then I doubt you will not get a lot of gameplay time out of the DLC as long as you like challenges (the different characters also have new gadgets/moves). Nightwing is the best character though ;)
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