Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Well it runs on my 7770, a bit chopy at times in the tank scenes but playable, that was while streaming though, which the benchmark shows costs me roughly 2fps.
Always a red flag when PC review code gets held back. I think it should be a mandatory rule for developers to disclose when a game isn't actually being developed by them. Glad I held off
Bad performance aside, how good does it actually look? I've heard lots on steam saying the visuals aren't even that great.

Theres things missing on the pc version that are on the xbox and ps4 version. Not sure why but it would seem the ps4 version is better graphically from the pc version at the moment apart from the obvious things like higher fps and higher res.
Theres things missing on the pc version that are on the xbox and ps4 version. Not sure why but it would seem the ps4 version is better graphically from the pc version at the moment apart from the obvious things like higher fps and higher res.

Such as?
Ambient occlusion for a start. Its not there in the pc version. The higher quality wet shaders arnt there too... Textures might not be as good also as it only goes to normal on the pc version.


Look at this screeny specifically around the newspaper and the cup.
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