Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Is Origins worth playing? I'm leaving Knight until it gets patched as i'm having too many problems. I have Asylum which i only played for a couple of hours ages ago, bought City earlier this evening and plan on playing them to fill some time until patches arrive. Just checking whether i should grab Origins too before i start in on them.
Ok, I've actually gone ahead and tried the game for myself.

Runs at 30FPS rock solid with all settings max including gameworks at 4K.

Looks pretty good too.


Afterburner reports 11590MB system RAM usage though...

It's not as broken as people are saying though, the game itself runs perfectly (albeit at 30fps)
When it works, is it worth actually playing? Tempted to do a playthrough of it on my youtube channel. Even made a terrible song to kick start it, but now I'm in two minds!

Yup, had far too much sugar tonight!

ps wheres the cheapest place to buy a key from at the moment?
Whats the betting that the devs actually optimised this game pretty well but it got messed up once Denuvo got added to it near the end of the dev cycle?

I don't think the drm has stolen the rain textures and stolen the ambient occlusion...

What a mess this is.
Are members seriously accepting the game as perfectly acceptable and smooth at "30 fps". OCUK has dropped to a new console low tonight :(, might as well sell those 60HZ 4K's, get rid of the 144HZ monitors as 30 Fps is fine!

Are members seriously accepting the game as perfectly acceptable and smooth at "30 fps". OCUK has dropped to a new console low tonight :(, might as well sell those 60HZ 4K's, get rid of the 144HZ monitors as 30 Fps is fine!


It was the same when the Evil Within was released but the dev later changed it for PC users to unlock 60 and then unlimited FPS options. Often its forced due to damn lazy optimisation and poor animations.
No, but there's a possibility they were removed because denuvo tanked performance so much.

It isn't even as if Ambient occlusion takes up that much processing power on a modern gpu anyway though! The game looks like the Arkham Origins but with a few more effects thrown in and you could run the previous batman games on a potato.
Also look at how crappy the desktop icon is. A low res and ****** looking desktop icon is often the sign of a rushed and poor game. I remember Rome 2 had an absolutely awful desktop icon on release.
Are members seriously accepting the game as perfectly acceptable and smooth at "30 fps". OCUK has dropped to a new console low tonight :(, might as well sell those 60HZ 4K's, get rid of the 144HZ monitors as 30 Fps is fine!


I can't see anyone saying it's perfectly acceptable, but it's playable if you can get it to stick at 30fps (which not everyone can).

There's not much point being quite so elitist about it, it's a shoddy port but the game underneath is actually very good.

60fps+ would be great but the majority of the gameplay is relatively slow-paced compared to other action games so it doesn't hurt too much.

The lack of configuration options and sub-console graphics is very poor but the game certainly isn't ugly in its current state and personally I would rather play and enjoy it as is rather than wait for patches when the only issues I have experiencing are cosmetic (I know others are not that lucky!).
Played it again tonight since about 11pm so easily a couple of hours and again, no crashes, pausing, stuttering or anything. Sure it might be 30FPS (although I haven't noticed) but to me it's smooth and lag free.

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Pleased I cancelled my pre-order of the Collectors edition, I'll wait and pick this up when issues are fixed that or buy it on PlayStation 4.
Is Origins worth playing? I'm leaving Knight until it gets patched as i'm having too many problems. I have Asylum which i only played for a couple of hours ages ago, bought City earlier this evening and plan on playing them to fill some time until patches arrive. Just checking whether i should grab Origins too before i start in on them.

I played city and Origins back to back. While City is definatley the better game Origins was pretty good too. I almost skipped it due to people saying how rubbish it was but I disagree.
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Are members seriously accepting the game as perfectly acceptable and smooth at "30 fps". OCUK has dropped to a new console low tonight :(, might as well sell those 60HZ 4K's, get rid of the 144HZ monitors as 30 Fps is fine!


Have to completely agree with you here Neil. It seems that they've just defaulted to the "Well there is nothing i can do" camp and just accepted their fate.

All that hardware that is barely being used, when they could just sell up and buy a console.

/r/pcmasterrace would be ashamed.
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