Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

How will that even work? Surely the keys have already been redeemed. Good on them though, but people will probably try to abuse it (e.g. the game works just fine but they still attempt the refund process).

That's good of them.

I hope others will follow in the future as a warning to developers. If you don't release a working game then prepared for financial backlash.
GMG are offering refunds if the first upcoming patch doesn't fix people's problems.

Not "official" but G2A may do something too:


Let's wait for this patch and see what happens.
Watching the video it looks as though in some aspects the graphics are better on consoles and on others it is better on the PC but it is far smoother OVERALL going by that video on the PC than on the consoles.

Id rather have a smoother game instead of a prettier one. Admittedly Id rather have both but we will never get that if we are realistic.

It does not run smoother on PC, a very small % of PC users are having a 'smooth' experience but the majority have a slideshow regardless of hardware.

It looks better on console too, BTW. Same textures with more graphical features enabled.
To be fair the game is smooth for me, just the lack of aspect ratio control or FOV control for 21:9 resolutions gets annoying to the point that it's the only focal point when playing instead of focusing on the game.

Also the damn batmobile handles like arse.
I verified my game files on steam, it told me 4568 files couldn't be verified. I went through the process and it now it works fantastically :)

I tried the same, so steam decided to download the entire game from scratch. Best part is that it got to about 15GB then decided to resume back to 0 again. Third time lucky later on tonight.
It's poor form to come from the console section just to troll.

Erm, it wasn't trolling, I made that post in jest. Seems it's too soon for humour.

Go back to your corner filth, we don't want your kind sullying the master race.

Lol. :D

No, no it wasn't. That build was put together by them, not "ported". Porting doesn't really happen. The problem with this game is that it's been lazily developed.

So we're being pedantic now are we? You know what I meant.
I almost purchased this, Glad i'm waiting, Hope you guys get a good patch that unlocks the game above 30FPS and actually lets textures go above normal. Oh and different AA options.
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