Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Here's what bugs me the most - and I'm too lazy to look it up as I'm at work so apologies if this is too full of conjecture...

As far as I could see RockSteady had no trouble at all releasing a perfectly stable and decent PC version of Asylum and City; what the hell happened this time? If the PC development before was all done in-house, why did they decide to contract it out to some other studio this time? (and if it wasn't done in-house before why didn't they contract the new game to the same studio they used before?). It's not even really a new engine or anything like that so repeating the same processes used for the earlier games would surely have been highly likely to lead to a decent quality product...

Seems totally idiotic and I hope if nothing else they've learned that it was a big mistake to try and cut corners in this area (if that's what it comes down to)...
Isn't that on purpose? Poor optimalization force you to buy new HW.
I doubt it, more likely that they spent more time on the console versions pre release & ran out of time on PC to fully optimise, that's why I'm always weary of simultaneous releases of console & PC as generally the consoles take priority for resources.
Yes @ 30FPS - I was planning on changing the file but it is buttery smooth so i thought that if its not broken i will leave it as it is.

And usually FPS drops and stutter are something that really annoys me. However I am getting none in this game with everything as high as it can go.

I only game at 1080p though, and have an R9 290 (at stock) - running the beta drivers.

I have had plenty of bat mobile experiences and they are all fine too.
The game does run smooth, if you have an SSD. Like I said, it's fine for me too, just the annoying FOV and lack of proper 21:9 support makes people look stretched and the viewport like semi fisheye.

Also I want to use gameworks, but don't want to use it as it drops from DX11 to DX10...
I must be one of the really lucky ones.

Game is running really well for me ...

Runs ok'ish for me with all settings at max (inc the 4 nvidia jokes that make smoke look like cotton wool... WAY too thick) and 60fps with the ini tweak. Running at 1080p on a 980 ti. And even then, some dips. It's awful lol.
It's BATMOBILE :mad:... a singular name... not "bat mobile" - that's the name of either Batman's smartphone or the gently rotating child-amuser he hangs over Bruce Jr.'s little cot :p

Yeah I noticed that after posting but couldn't be bothered editing. It was iPhone auto correct tbf. Nerd rage much?
Yes @ 30FPS - I was planning on changing the file but it is buttery smooth so i thought that if its not broken i will leave it as it is.

And usually FPS drops and stutter are something that really annoys me. However I am getting none in this game with everything as high as it can go.

I only game at 1080p though, and have an R9 290 (at stock) - running the beta drivers.

I have had plenty of bat mobile experiences and they are all fine too.

Same as me then. Although running it a t 1440p. The framerate was so solid at 30 I didn't bother messing with anything incase it caused problems.
I suppose this is good reason to buy digital through STEAM now. It gives more power to gamers. If a game turns out to be poorly made for our platform, then people can easily get a refund and the devs lose out.

WB are now feeling the brunt of it, whether they care or not I don't know, but I bet you that other devs are keeping watch of this situation and making notes on how not to chuff PC gamers off any more.

I think this actually makes buying via STEAM for a bit more worth it over finding cheaper key site deals. For a good game it would surely be worth the money anyway and if it's poor, simply get a refund.

Our GabeN, he's a good guy he is.
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