Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

No, I've ventured into Founders island for a quest and...

I'm currently taking out the watch towers which patrol the skies. One of them has an entry point which is where an anti-personnel drone is patrolling and I cannot get past it.

I also don't have the remote hacking tool

Only 26% of the way into the game and still don't have the disrupter either. I'm wondering if I have to clear the other islands first....

Yeah, you need to follow along with the story bud.
^ Me too. 30FPS made me feel nauseous whether motion blur was on or off.

Replaying AC for my Batman fix. Absolutely maxed with 8x MSAA and it never drops below 60FPS :)
"STEAM_INSTALL_FOLDER\ Batman Arkham Knight\BmGame\ Config\BmSystemSettings.ini"

Set "Max_FPS=**" as high as you like.

Yes, I've tried it but the performance is hugely inconsistent. I've tried all the fixes on the famous Steam post, but I am still not happy with the performance, it's too erratic both on foot and in the lagmobile. I've been looking forward to this game and want to wait until I can just sit back and play it without worrying about constantly trying to gain a few more FPS.

Edit: I should probably add that I am a VSYNC gamer, so it's the drops between 60 and 30 that are most jarring. I've tried forcing triple buffering with Radeon Pro but it's not working in game. SLI adds it's own form of triple buffering, but as known SLI also hurts performance in many areas of the game.
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I actually disabled SLi and running it on one Titan. Was better for sure. I agree there are some improvements they could make (and which are needed) but it's perfectly playable.
In most areas a single GPU is better, but as I mentioned I can only get triple buffering working when using both cards. Are you using vsync snips?
In most areas a single GPU is better, but as I mentioned I can only get triple buffering working when using both cards. Are you using vsync snips?

You tried NV control panel adaptive v sync? I'm using half adaptive v sync at 30fps and it's much better than in game v sync for me.
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