Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

If it is anything like the others you will lose warnings when people are attacking etc and it will be harder

Though I assume like most modern games "harder" than "ridiculously easy" is still fairly easy...

I'm not saying I think all games should be so brutally difficult that many won't be able to cope; but it'd be nice if there was a difficulty setting available that at least made some effort to challenge the player if that's what they want...
Im on my final meet scarecrow, if i complete the last part of the story line am i still able to carry on with the side quest's like the riddlers riddles and the firemen?

Don't fancy doing a replay just to get the side missions complete :(
Saw this game advertised in Times Square

Couldn't help myself

nothing. but hey have taken it off from sale so if there not making money it must be a priority?

Is it just Steam that is suspended, or have all retailers suspended the PC version?

I'm really surprised at the time-scale here... are they trying to perfect it to protect their reputation, or are the issues so bad that it can't be turned around in a reasonable time?

I think it's fair to say that any game developer in future that releases with issues can be described as having "Done a Batman AK".
I know it was removed from the shelves at GAME so I presume it was taken off everywhere.

Very odd that there is no communication at all.
Given the current state of this game, was thinking I should play Arkham Asylum. Never got round to playing it? Is it any good? Did play the demo when it first came out, looked OK but thought the hand to hand combat was a bit rubbish, just seemed like I was randomly mashing the keyboard and mouse buttons, and the game was doing everything for you.
Given the current state of this game, was thinking I should play Arkham Asylum. Never got round to playing it? Is it any good? Did play the demo when it first came out, looked OK but thought the hand to hand combat was a bit rubbish, just seemed like I was randomly mashing the keyboard and mouse buttons, and the game was doing everything for you.

It requires an Xbox360 controller for these games, IMHO.
I just got this game from the Nvidia promotion as I've just ordered a 980ti, and weirdly it's running pretty good for me.

I unlocked the framerate and I'm getting around 45fps with the Nvidia Gameworks stuff off, but everything else on max.

Intel i7-4790k @stock 4.0ghz
16 GB 2400 MHz DDR3 RAM
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 770 4GB GPU

Game is installed on a Crucial MX 200 256GB SSD

Ok so it's not a low-spec PC, but seeing how people with monster PCs with GTX 980 cards couldn't get a consistent framerate, it's pretty surprising. I was expecting it to run really badly.

The only slight stuttering I got is in the bink movies. The batmobile is fine, no streaming or stuttering issues at all. In fact the game is perfectly playable and looks pretty good, apart from some tearing. (Don't have a g-sync monitor yet).

Presumably the thing that makes the big difference here is running off an SSD and having lots of CPU power.
Well I purchased this for £12 from a key site. I figured it won't go any lower, so might as well get it now.

Performance issues aside for a minute, I am equally disappointed in the lack of other options. I can't find the option to turn off the combat hints, the batmobile GPS thingy, an option for controller sensitivity(must be there though right?), Motion blur. And my first thought when firing it up for the first time was not about performance, it was 'What the **** have they done to the map!?'

The game itself seems quite good. I find the batmobile controls to quite intuitive actually, whereas I had heard the opposite before playing. Combat also seems a bit better, though I was never a big fan of it tbh.

On a 970 at 1920x1080 I fluctuate between 30 and 50 in general play. In the batmobile it can go down to the mid 20s though. I don't think it looks that great tbh...seems really blurry to me, with some poor texture work. The rain looks great though.

I'll almost certainly wait for it to get sorted.
Installed it again yesterday to see if anything had changed and well it hasn't so its getting uninstalled again. The utter lack of news coming out the Rocksteady is also hilariously bad on their part but hey ho these are all 1st world problems and I only paid £11 so I'll probably play next year when I'm bored.
Installed it again yesterday to see if anything had changed and well it hasn't so its getting uninstalled again. The utter lack of news coming out the Rocksteady is also hilariously bad on their part but hey ho these are all 1st world problems and I only paid £11 so I'll probably play next year when I'm bored.

They haven't even patched it yet, so nothing has changed.

Game has actually been fine for me though
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