Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Is anyone having any issues playing this game or getting it to run smoothly?

Basically due to work, i only just managed to install the game last night on my pc recently purchased new system from OC spec below

cpu - intel core i5 4960 @ 3.9ghz

graphics - nvidia gtx 970 ( KFA2 GeForce GTX 970 OC Silent "Infin8 Black Edition" 4096MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card)

ram - 8gig ram
Motherboard: Asus Z97I Plus Intel Z87

basically it was one of these systems but the nvidia version which is no longer available

ok onto the game installed via steam and let it start up and run at default game setting's first part of the intro played fine then the story started got passed the press space for incinerator and into the cafe go to see the geezer who is smoking he attacks the copper, bang first game crash to desktop saying low memory, restart pc and try again got abit further this time to where a couple of thugs shoot the copper in the street bang crash to desktop again, tried once more and on this try i lowered the game setting slightly and tried again this time i got just alittle bit further than the 2nd attempt and again crash to desktop with low memory warning.
game specs say i should be able to run this game easily???

anyone care to offer and suggestions not sure if screen res would cause this but i am running that at 2560 x 1440.

any help appreciated

forgot to add win7
I followed this guide on a GTX970 @ 4K its very playable but disable all Nvidia Gameworks for now they are not working properly :( must be gimped on purpose to sell more GPU's :rolleyes:
Has there been any more updates for this? Getting uninstalled if there hasn't been!

Really starting the get sick of playing The Witcher 3 constantly and need a break!
It's a real shame. I love the previous Arkham games so I was looking forward to this. But after this whole mess I don't really have the desire to get it now.
It's playable for me at 30fps if I turn advanced fog off in game options. Also something to try if you have an Nvidia card, is to go into the Nvidia control panel and set Physx to be controlled by the cpu rather than the card. I've not had any performance issues since doing that. Not perfect but better than nothing.
You planning on buying it? you can have the code from my 980ti if you are.
I've got no interest in this game

I sold mine from my 980ti a couple of weeks on the MM :p

Im just waiting to see if the game is fixed yet because it was that badly broken on release.
Has there been any more updates for this? Getting uninstalled if there hasn't been!

Really starting the get sick of playing The Witcher 3 constantly and need a break!

I started playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag again and absolutely loving it :)

Tried playing it last year and could not get into it, only reached the first city and gave up. Now I tried again and pushed on and I am glad I did, having some real fun on it.

Moral of the story is, if you can pick up some older games that you may have missed or didnt get into at the time, take another look at them. I stopped playing TW3 about 2 weeks ago and I don't miss it one bit.
Found out who the Knight was. Wasn't surprised with all the hints they dropped during the story.

Not completed it yet though, still got Scarecrow to take down. Was a bit of a shock to see
Ivy killed off but as it's the last game in the series I guess they can do stuff like this.

Again, very few major issues, some FPS dips from 60 to 30-40 now that I've started displaying FPS via Shadowplay but other than that minor issue I haven't had a single bit of bother. <shrug> Perhaps 6GB VRAM and SSD has helped with this I don't know.
I started playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag again and absolutely loving it :)

Tried playing it last year and could not get into it, only reached the first city and gave up. Now I tried again and pushed on and I am glad I did, having some real fun on it.

Moral of the story is, if you can pick up some older games that you may have missed or didnt get into at the time, take another look at them. I stopped playing TW3 about 2 weeks ago and I don't miss it one bit.

Issue I have is that I got my back catalogue finished a couple of months ago and all I have is W3 and Arkham Knight. Might go back to AC4 though, fantastic game!

Might have to go back to the PS4 and Xbox One for a while!
You can blind them temporarily with the remote hacking device?

What bit are you at? Ace chemicals quite near the start?

No, I've ventured into Founders island for a quest and...

I'm currently taking out the watch towers which patrol the skies. One of them has an entry point which is where an anti-personnel drone is patrolling and I cannot get past it.

I also don't have the remote hacking tool

Only 26% of the way into the game and still don't have the disrupter either. I'm wondering if I have to clear the other islands first....
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