Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Generally sits around 80-90 fps for me but does drop to low 50s if I have the batmobile smoking with all the effects on at 1440P. Plays very well though.
Since the update, the game won't even launch for me.(

Give it a few minutes, must be another bug, first launch can take a few minutes to hit the desktop for me, so maybe the same for you.

It sits for a while in task manager then starts up, it loads quicker if you launch it again and reverts when you restart PC.
Just a heads up that I emailed Amazon earlier as I bought the game (digital code) at launch from them. I quoted the note from WB on steam and they have refunded me already.

If you didn't get from Steam try contacting the retailer if you aren't happy. The game ran ok for the first 10 hours then I got an update that borked it. 2500k with Nvidia 970.
Played for a bit and it seems to perform decently. At least it's better than it was before, especially considering I'm now at 1440p. The lowest I usually see is 45fps, 55-60fps most of the time. There's no chance for a locked framerate so I'll just have to live with it. Dropping shadow quality or detail level a notch results in the exact same framerate as on highest settings (maybe 2fps difference):p
No stuttering or crashes though.

This game seems to perform completely randomly for different people:confused:
When is the Arkham stuff meant to be added to your steam account or do you have to do something in WB to get that going?
I've not got Arkham Origins (which I haven't played) but it's not popped up in my steam list

edit: found the news post and it's just a case of 'happen when it happens'
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When is the Arkham stuff meant to be added to your steam account or do you have to do something in WB to get that going?
I've not got Arkham Origins (which I haven't played) but it's not popped up in my steam list

edit: found the news post and it's just a case of 'happen when it happens'

I believe they said sometime in December if you bought on Steam. If you bought from a key site, like me, you get nothing:p
I seem to suffer from regular crashes! Shame because I'm enjoying it a lot but when it crashes I think...meh cba!

Having the same issue here, be playing the game fine and then I'l get a crash with a long a$$ error :-/ but enjoy the game while I can play it
Is it true that they have given up trying to fix it and that they will just offer a refund to anyone for the rest of 2015? Sad if true.

I never bothered with the game waiting for it to fixed. Might risk it when it is under a fiver for game of the year edition. Lol
Seems also people that got the game with an nvidia product can contact the retailer and get another key like gtaV mgs or tw3, I wonder if overclockers will do that for us who got it with their gpu
Is it true that they have given up trying to fix it and that they will just offer a refund to anyone for the rest of 2015? Sad if true.

I never bothered with the game waiting for it to fixed. Might risk it when it is under a fiver for game of the year edition. Lol

They've said that they'll fix what they can and "talk to us about the things they cannot fix", which is not exactly a good sign:p They will offer refunds till the end of 2015.

The game seems to perform completely randomly for different people. Nexus said he didn't have any significant issues before patches using just the tweak tool, whereas it way the other way round for me.

From my brief time with the game: they fixed those awful textures, there's a lot less stutter and performance is more consistent. Still, there are drops to 45-55 and I'd probably have to run everything on low to avoid them. Some settings seem to have little impact on framerate. It's easily playable but not ideal and I had to waste 40gb of precious SSD space, since the performance is appaling on HDDs.

All in all, it's still a risky buy. That is unless you buy directly from steam, as you can basically play the game for free till the end of 2015 and you'll get the entire Arkham library as a bonus.
No its not... im going but what ive seen on other eteller sites ( i wont name them for competition reasons ) but if you do a little search in google you will find what i mean.
They might swap out for another game as a good will gesture but as it's a "free" product given as an extra for purchasing a GPU then I can't see OcUK offering any kind of refund apart from the aforementioned goodwill gesture.

Or maybe a bag of Haribo :P
its not really something that Overclockers do though more Nvidia as it was their promotion.... depends on if nvidia will give codes to overclockers to give out to their customers.

Would be nice to get a staff member to weigh in on this just for clarification.
It would be nice to have a code for another game, this was a huge disappointment, its unfortunate that it can't be completely fixed, people have said it has a good story, hopefully WB have learned their lesson on 'porting' a game.
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