Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Very good example, but probably the only one. I actually consider the books a very hard read, so editing it down and keeping the core story works.

I've tried to read LOTR a couple of times. God his writing is hard work! I've usually given up. The hobbit is probably one of his easier books.
I don't want to read anymore reviews but from what I can gather it's a talkie for 3/4 of the movie and action for the last 1/4 which is fine for me.

The biggest concern I have is that my 9 year old wants to see it. He's hooked on marvel but from the little I have read I don't think he will enjoy it. He enjoyed man of steel and the dark knight though.

Anyone else in a similar situation. Or offer a little guidance if I should dissuade him from wanting to see it?

The biggest thing I've picked up for this is Batman is a killing machine in this unlike the Nolan saga.
Rotten tomato has it at 42% critics and 85% audience ratings. So the muppets that get paid to write about it hate it but the public going to see it love it.
Rotten tomato has it at 42% critics and 85% audience ratings. So the muppets that get paid to write about it hate it but the public going to see it love it.

Which goes to show that critics are out of touch and usually spout BS for the sake of spouting.....anything.
Rotten tomato has it at 42% critics and 85% audience ratings. So the muppets that get paid to write about it hate it but the public going to see it love it.

Yeah they always do. Seen plenty of movies with bad reviews but turned up great. Watching on Friday also so confident it won't be as bAs as 42%.

When you watching nexus?
Yeah they always do. Seen plenty of movies with bad reviews but turned up great. Watching on Friday also so confident it won't be as bAs as 42%.

When you watching nexus?

We're going on Saturday. Fairly confident i'll love it, i really liked MoS and this looks like it'll be even better.
Critics seem not to like it, however I'll be going with some friends for the midnight showing tomorrow. The infamous trailer has kinda soured me on the film but we'll see how it holds up.
I suspect fans going to see it on day 1 are going to say it's ace even if it's a ****. Hopefully it's better than Man of Steel, or at least the 2nd half once it became a cgi mess. First half of it was really good (ignoring the oil platform scene).
Rotten tomato has it at 42% critics and 85% audience ratings. So the muppets that get paid to write about it hate it but the public going to see it love it.

To be fair the audience score will even out once it has been on general release for a few weeks. It happens on IMBd all the time when a hotly anticipated film comes out. Anyway I will judge for myself as 2 cinemas in Cardiff are £4 screenings.
Got to admit, its pretty funny how YouTube reviewers are asking not to be flamed for giving their (negative) opinion on this. The fanbois are freaking out over the critic response already.
Saw this a few hours ago. I am not a Superman or a Batman fan boy but it wasn't great. Ben A is OK.....he's no Bale though.

The last 30 minutes of the film is awful in my opinion.

Will give a more detailed with spoiler tag opinion when I get home.
I'm concerned that this is going to be pretty awful, I've got tickets to see this and now wish I hadn't bothered. It's alarming to me that all the critics seem to be using the same language to describe the film. Incoherent and bleak seem to be coming up in loads of reviews, and although I don't always trust the critics, when that many use the same words to describe a film it really doesn't bode well.
It seems to be the DC way. Serious movies with dark tones whereas marvel always seems to have a smile and knowing wink under the surface. Marvel films seem to 'know' that they're comic book movies and don't take themselves too seriously. DC films and production values seem to take the whole thing very seriously. I've often wondered what Marvel would have done with a Batman movie. I highly doubt it would be anything like the DK trilogy.
Just got in from the midnight showing.

I absolutley loved it. Felt they crammed far too much into the first movie though. First half was quite slow then they just piled in loads of scenes at the end.

Prefer Bale's Batman but Affleck was enjoyable also.

Batman vs Superman fight was awesome :D
8/10 for me but may drop after a second viewing
I thought it was OK - 6/10

The 2 scenes in the trailer with Batman fighting a number of enemies...... Those scenes in the film were pretty damn good.

The rest..... I don't think I will give it a higher rating on a second watch.

Watch it at the cinema with a meerkat code / 10
It seems to be the DC way. Serious movies with dark tones whereas marvel always seems to have a smile and knowing wink under the surface. Marvel films seem to 'know' that they're comic book movies and don't take themselves too seriously. DC films and production values seem to take the whole thing very seriously. I've often wondered what Marvel would have done with a Batman movie. I highly doubt it would be anything like the DK trilogy.
I tend to agree but Winter Solider was a more serious film which is my favourite from marvel so far.
Ok as previously mentioned I am not a massive Superman or Batman fan, and I do not for one minute profess that I know a lot about the DC universe. Here are my pros and cons :

1)Loved the fact that they managed to get a lot of the old Man of Steel cast back into this movie. Was really surprised to see Kevin Costner make an appearance.
2)Ben A did a good job with Batman. He genuinely seemed to portray that Batman/Bruce Wayne is one ****** individual on the back of his childhood experiences etc. I genuinely understood his perspective on ridding the world of Superman
3)Loved the Man of Steel recap at the start, to show the impact it had on Bruce Wayne.
4)Jeremy Irons as my view he may have even been better than Michael Caine.....close one....excellent casting though.
5)Special effects.......good apart from Doomsday...but I will get to him!
6)Superman and Batman main fight was immense. I loved the fact that Batman was constantly trying to choke Superman on that Kyrptonite 'gas' before he could recover. Great scene.


1)This whole movie seemed to be an attempt to bring the DC universe up to speed with that is going on with Marvel (i.e Avengers, Infinity Wars etc). The stuff Marvel have been building towards for a few years we get in one movie... in fact less than one movie. In here they partner Superman and Batman, reveal Wonderwoman, reveal some of the other DC ' metahumans' Aquaman etc. Announce that they will all join together and form the 'justice league'....although in their defence the term 'justice league' isnt coined in the movie. 'Kill' Superman as the cataylst for the league formation. and make reference (Luthor does at the end) to some huge nasty 'Thanos' type individual that will now come to earth on the back of what happened. Too much
2)I did not get the whole Batman hates Superman, then the next minute they are buddies scenario. Unbelievable! Literally in the space of 10 minutes(maybe less) he is close to sticking a kryptonite spear into Superman's chest to then saving Superman's mother and declaring they are friends....Really?!?! I didnt buy it!
3)Also the whole 'Martha' scene. The only reason Batman stops in the process of killing Superman is because Superman makes reference to the fact they are going to kill 'Martha'. Who the hell refers to their mother by their first name? If he had failed to do that. Batman would have terminated him. Too convenient.
4)Wonderwoman....where do I start. The only plus side is that she is smoking hot. Apart form that she is bolted into the end of the movie like a tagline. Also the moment she is introduced the cheese seems to come out in the movie. DC movies work best when they are dark, this is a USP to Marvel. Why change?
5)Doomsday. Bolted on for the last 30 minutes of the movie, so we can get a 'Zodesque' Metropolis destruction ending again. CGI on him was awful IMO.

No doubt I will watch it again, because the action sequences do make it entertaining, but this is no Dark Knight trilogy. Its another weak DC movie adaption.

Anyone else see the dirt move upwards on Superman's coffin at the end?
About to get ready for viewing number 2 of 7. I really enjoyed it! It had everything I wanted and more!

I certainly was not expecting to see the rest of the Justice League in that capacity! But it does beg the question, how long has Lex been studying these "metahumans"? Was it since Superman revealed himself to the world?

I also loved how "Kryptonite" was formed. Instead of debris from Krypton. And the very end with Superman's coffin.
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